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More details here Bethlehem
50 Base Affinity50 Bonus Affinity
Valuable Gift. Best effect when given to Northland Aurorians. A very precious colorful gem discovered beneath a rainbow, believed by Northlanders to bring lasting good luck.
Ice Crystal
10 Base Affinity10 Bonus Affinity
Common Gift. Best effect when given to Northland Aurorians. Crystal of a snowflake at the moment it was formed from water. Northlanders believe it holds powerful magic and love to collect it.
Silver Oak Bell
10 Base Affinity10 Bonus Affinity
Common Gift. Best effect when given to noble Aurorians. Compact, light, exquisitely sculpted silver bell believed by sophisticated folks to be a good luck charm.
Daybreak Crystal
50 Base Affinity50 Bonus Affinity
Valuable Gift. Best effect when given to noble Aurorians. Rare ore that shines in different colors under different intensity of light. A present among nobles.