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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Sniper with spammable Active and splash damage.




+DEF ignore and self-chain doubling gives good DPR

+Consistent splash damage gives good multi-tile scaling

+Good DPR thanks to strong Chain Combo and a low CD Active

+Good synergies with Bethel and Hydrad


-Always good, but rarely ideal

-Somewhat lackluster equipment

-No utility

-Notable damage improvement stuck behind BT3


Fleur is an edge case where the tier rating system is especially fallible. While he’s an interesting jack-of-all-trades with few weaknesses like a lot of Water units, he is limited by being a Sniper with no utility. He’s always a touch worse than his competition, especially without BT3. However, he’s still so reliably good across practically all forms of content that it’s hard to place him any lower than S.

It’s worth noting that Fleur pairs particularly well with Hydrad due to Hydrad copying the effects of Fleur’s DEF ignore and self-chain doubling when doubling his chain. The synergy is strong enough to put Fleur on par damage-wise with most of S-tier at BT3, while also possessing unrivaled content flexibility.