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Yuki Takada

Outfit Voice:

Tap on the Colossus Room

There is no real truth in this world. Its specter exists only on the tongues of the treacherous.

The priests of Lumopolis say that faith drives people onward, but it doesn't fill their stomachs.

May the truth bless you, if it even exists.

If the God of Light created all things, did he also create the Eclipsites?

The only thing Pact and I have in common is our thorns and nothing else.

Never surrender—this is Wayne's mantra. It is the principle by which he lives, and the source of his "happiness."

They say that bramble flowers symbolize fate's torment, but I believe they represent the soul's resilience.

False beliefs tend to attract the fanatical. The more outlandish they are, the more fervent the zealotry they evoke.

It looks so big from the outside, but the interior is not particularly spacious. The fact that it can fly is interesting, though.

Interact with the Colossus Room

Is this thing really... such a big deal?

Change Assistant

The scenery here is quite pleasant. It fills my mind with countless thoughts... about how to deal with those Lumopolis brutes...

Battle Failed

Run like the wind!


Well... We won, anyway.

Unleash Chain Combos

Writhe in brambles...

Despair in thorns!

Active Skill is Ready

It is time to be reborn.

Enter the Formation

Is it my turn?

Aurorian Ascension I

My emblem... It has grown new thorns...

Aurorian Ascension II

The path of thorns has revealed itself to me.

Aurorian Ascension III

My fragmented... past.


I prefer being idle to being busy. Letting my mind wander... Looking at my coin, feeling the thorns...

Upgrade Successful

My power to resist grows stronger.

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars.

Happy New Year. I hope something truly wonderful comes our way.

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

Thorns do not hurt people—they just stand there in peace. People's words, however, can stab in your back like the sharpest knife. So, which is more terrible...?

I think, therefore I am. So, if I do not think, I shall no longer exist. I'm not thinking right now, Navigator. Can you still see me?

Justice may be delayed, but never denied. Oh... But sometimes it is so late that I think it may be absent...

You wish to see the coin hanging from my neck? Go ahead—just don't try to bite it.

Faith provides the most powerful support imaginable. Oh, but houses, bridges, and temples all require considerably solid stone foundations, too.

Do you see that short-haired girl? Oh, I'm all too familiar with her...

Judgment will eventually come to all. Oh, but what if the wicked pass away before their judgment arrives? Does that mean they get a pass?

The priests of Lumopolis say that those without faith are no better than beasts. I, however, believe that every beast has its day...

Have you ever been to Lumopolis? Have you witnessed the nobility and staunchness of the people there? Oh, it really is quite amusing...

In the eyes of the God of Light, all people are equal. Oh, it's just that some people are more equal than others.

Even the sharpest thorns are accompanied by beautiful flowers. Take a look for yourself...

Our determination pushes us forward... But if we go the wrong way from the very beginning, won't we stray further from our true course?

Happy New Year. I hope something truly wonderful comes our way.

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

Another ordinary day begins. Oh, if it were not ordinary, we wouldn't be here, would we?

Navigator, why do people always say good morning? What if it is a bad morning?

After I finish my work, my evenings are for resting. People who work overtime are so pathetic.

The still of night... perhaps it makes it easier for one to contemplate. Oh, it can also make it easier for one to fall asleep.

Spring Festival Voice

Happy New Year. I hope something truly wonderful comes our way.

Obtain an Aurorian

I am Paloma. Fate has brought us together, but if you really think about it, perhaps this was all just a coincidence. Anyway, hello.

Receiving a gift

Oh? This is not bad at all.

Consider this my thanks.

Receiving a preferred gift

Interesting. Very interesting...

It's so beautiful... Ah, thank you!

Release Active Skill

Break it up!

Break from the past!


The rebirth awaits.

Aurorian Trivia I

White Night up high... You shouldn't be so surprised to hear me say such words. I was a nun before, after all. Hard to imagine, isn't it?

Aurorian Trivia II

Lumopolis shelters its people. Ah... So, why did they let my parents die before my eyes? Was this the fair judgment of Lumopolis? This expression can rot in hell, for all I care...

Aurorian Trivia III

The glamorous life of a Lumopolis noble everyone envies... If I could choose again, I'd rather have been a commoner.

The Captain's Entrance

You want me to lead? Follow your hearts.