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Her Experiences

One day, I heard disturbing clicks in the corridors and when I went to check, I saw something even more disturbing: spider webs. After that, there were more strange sounds... like high heels? Just when I thought that an Eclipsite had infiltrated the Colossus and was about to arm myself, I saw a mask-wearing woman standing at the corridor entrance.
She took out a notepad, looked up and down the Colossus, and recorded various data. I heaved a sigh of relief. Sure enough, it was her—my teacher, Siobhan, a scientist from the Illumina Federation, and she was studying the Colossus. Um, why did I say sure enough?
Maybe it's because of the spider and webs... It left such a deep impression on me.

Her Story (I)

Has Vice told you about the Illumina Research Center? It is an institution that specializes in the study of various technologies. To enter, it is required to pass various exams, and the written exam is particularly difficult. According to my estimation, this exam is probably the most difficult exam known in the entire Astra continent.
After I got into the Illumina Research Center, all my colleagues thought I would research explosives because I was born in Undercity 66. But I knew what I wanted to study since a long time ago: archaeology. This is especially because ancient technology is so different from all the technology we have now. Sometimes I even feel like it should be called magic! According to various sources, there seems to have been an era when this ancient technology was everywhere... I wonder what that must have been like...
Seems like heaven to me.

Her Story (II)

I was born in Undercity 66, a place that specializes in explosives. I heard that the walls there have been specially reinforced and modified to prevent accidents. It can be said that everyone in Undercity 66, even children, has played with explosives a few times in their life.
It was the same for me. I have been fascinated by explosives since I was a child. When I was testing a new explosive formula, I conducted my tests in a remote tunnel so that the explosions wouldn't spread too far. In the end, the new formula was so powerful that it brought down the walls around the path I was going to leave from. However... this was a blessing in disguise as I discovered a new world.
That place had many facilities that were filled with wonderful flowing energy. With some of them, I could even activate all kinds of wonderful functions with the slightest touch. Some of them even seemed to be able to "think" and could adjust their work according to the current situation without being controlled by humans! That's when I realized they must have a deep history... From that moment on, I could no longer forget these ancient technologies. I am destined to be with them for life.

Her Story (III)

Although those ancient ruins planted the seeds of yearning for ancient technology in my heart, I still questioned whether I was meant for the path of scientific research because of the sheer amount of effort needed. The Illumina Federation is filled with smart people and people who are both smart and hard-working. My only advantage was my determination.
It was on my birthday that year that I finally made up my mind. Many people came to my school with flowers. At first, I thought it was a surprise from my classmates and friends, but I soon realized that those people were my father's comrades in arms. They had come bearing news of his death.
I received my father's military tag and letter. After seeing his encouragement to me in the letter, my father's kind smile appeared in my mind, as well as what he said to me about the "career he loved," something he worked his whole life for.
At that moment, I made up my mind to inherit my father's passion. Pursuing and studying ancient technology would be my lifelong mission.

Her Story (IV)

Everything seemed much easier after I made up my mind. All I had to do was study day and night and prepare for many exams. I finally got into the Illumina Research Center after a lot of hard work. Determination can really change how hard a person works, and maybe even their IQ.
But I can only say that my days in the Illumina Research Center were filled with darkness because I wasn't assigned any research-related work, let alone any research related to ancient technology. Why? Because I was Gronru's secretary! I was called a secretary, but the truth was that I was a servant! I followed her every day, doing whatever she told me to. I served drinks, folded quilts, did the laundry... and even played games with her! I had very little free time, but I had to make good use of this time to improve my combat ability until I could become strong enough to join the expedition team. Then I would finally be able to leave Gronru and pursue ancient technology. When I told Gronru I wanted to resign as her secretary, she immediately approved my request to join the expedition team. The reason she gave me was: "You have already graduated."
Later, I realized that I had learned a lot from Gronru's behavior, research thinking, and human resources deployment when I was with her... Now that I think about it, this was her special way of teaching me.
The only thing is that I really don't want to play games with her anymore.