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Nina's Frigid Downpour

Nina's Frigid Downpour
1 Preemptive
Parasol Mode: Selects 1 traversable tile and hurls the parasol at the selected tile, dealing 80% damage to tiles along the path, then switches to Unarmed Mode.
Unarmed Mode: Reclaims the parasol, dealing 640% damage to tiles along the path, then switches to Parasol Mode.
Switches to Parasol Mode whenever the parasol is covered or removed. When it is covered by an enemy, the skill's cooldown +1 round.

Nina's Frosty Blade

Nina's Frosty Blade
Parasol Mode: Deals 150% damage to 1 surrounding cluster.
Unarmed Mode: Deals 150% damage to the 2 nearest enemies.