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Shinnosuke Tachibana

Tap on the Colossus Room

Extrozoologists are a weird bunch, but we all love animals.

A smart ruler knows how important the environment and ecology are to development.

My duty is to find wondrous beasts and learn their secrets.

Eclipsites are ugly and boring, so I'm not interested in them.

It makes me sad to be misunderstood by my favorite apprentice, who calls me a liar every day... *Sob*

Shira is a strong child. She'll take up the mantle to protect the wondrous beasts!

Alcohol inspires both literature and art. A few drinks always helps get the creative juices flowing!

Ahhhh! Who moved my books?! They're out of order!

Can I borrow a greenhouse? Some wondrous beasts need a warmer environment to survive.

Interact with the Colossus Room

Do you need the Lutumi Owl to put you to sleep? If you suffer from chronic insomnia, extended sleep hypnosis services are available too.

Change Assistant

I just have to sit here and keep watch, right? I'll brush these little ones in the meantime.

Battle Failed

I surrender!


I'm just as good as I used to be...

Unleash Chain Combos

I'm tired.

Why is this not over yet?

Active Skill is Ready

Your turn.

Enter the Formation

There's not much I can do.

Aurorian Ascension I

Don't get me involved in anything complicated!

Aurorian Ascension II

Favors are hard to return.

Aurorian Ascension III

Our minds must be one to realize our potential.


Sleepy? Come lay down with me on Little Furball. It won't mind.

Upgrade Successful

I think these little creatures have taken to you.

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars.

Happy new year! I made gloves from Little Furball's fur for you and my two apprentices.

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

*Yawn* Where's Fia? Where's my cute little apprentice? I need a shoulder massage! I guess sleeping on my stomach was not good for my neck and shoulders... Ow, ow, ow...

Sorry about that, Navigator. Wondrous beasts shed often, I hope you're not allergic or anything. I'll get Fia to clean it up. What? You'll do it? That's so nice of you! You can start with shoveling excrement from the sand...

It's rude to ask anyone's age, so all you need to remember is that I'm forever eighteen. But you can ask me about other things, like which wondrous beast's secretion is best for your skin.

I specially made this toy from the fallen plumage of a Lutumi Owl in accordance with wondrous beast taste. Little Furball loves it! How dare Fia call me stingy for being frugal?

I understand that people have different ideas and attitudes toward wondrous beasts, but I hope my books can make more people fall in love with these little creatures and understand their ways.

My journey is not over yet. I'm certain there are wondrous beasts I haven't yet seen. I'd like to witness them with my own eyes.

I can see that you're interested in wondrous beasts too. Well, why don't you become my apprentice? I'll have another serv... I mean, student.

If you also like wondrous beasts, do you wanna travel through Astra with me next time? I'll credit you as an assistant in my book. Don't worry, it's not as if I'm hoping for free labor or transportation or anything like that...

One of your kin, a girl, once helped me learn how to communicate with wondrous beasts. Sometimes you remind me of her... I wonder if the two of you are related?

Ah-choo! I've been sneezing a lot recently. Perhaps some young lady is out there missing me?

With a face like mine, idols would be out of work if I could sing, dance or act! They should thank me for becoming a hermit.

Strength of character? That's something for you young people to ponder. For old folks like me, facing reality is how we survive.

Happy new year! I made gloves from Little Furball's fur for you and my two apprentices.

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

Hey you, have you seen my manuscript? I hope none of the little ones ate it...

You're up early. Must be nice to be so young and full of vitality.

I'm hungry... Have you seen Fia? Why isn't my apprentice here with my meal yet?

Come, let me take you out and show you some of the world's nocturnal wondrous beasts.

Spring Festival Voice

Happy new year! I made gloves from Little Furball's fur for you and my two apprentices.

Obtain an Aurorian

Understanding wondrous beasts is one of the many ways to learn about this world. Want to see some incredible sights of creatures you've never seen before?

Receiving a gift

Come by next time!

I'll gladly take it.

Receiving a preferred gift

What a kind young person you are.

*Sob* I'm so moved I could start crying this second.

Release Active Skill

Little Furball, claw strike!

*Yawn* You guys got this.

1.5-Year Anniversary Commemorative "The Starlights" Band Dialog

I practiced the tambourine for a long time so I could get good at it. I hope I don't let everyone down!


Little Furball, save me!

Aurorian Trivia I

I got into wondrous beasts when I was young, but because of my family business, I've done things in the past that have harmed them. My scar and one remaining wing are the price I paid for those transgressions.

Aurorian Trivia II

Wondrous beasts are simple, innocent creatures without the deceptiveness Aurorians are prone to. I saved Little Furball, and it decided to travel with me as I roamed Astra, protecting me along the way. Unlike those two apprentices that yell at me and bully me all day... sigh.

Aurorian Trivia III

It's not that I don't trust you. It's just that I don't even know that much about my bloodline. I've only read about Ouroboros in ancient tomes, and I'm still trying to figure out how I'm connected to it. If you're so interested in me, want to help me look for leads?

The Captain's Entrance

Have mercy, please.