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Her Experiences

Have you noticed? When I saw Mia this time, she seemed quieter than before. Not in a moody way, but more like... enjoying her own company! When she arrived, she was strolling around alone with a cup of black tea. Even though she occasionally frowned and appeared troubled, she seemed eager for this trip! Oh, and... I wasn't stalking Mia! It's just that she feels like a dear friend, so I can't help but pay attention to her... Well, anyways, I hope to get to know her better in the future. No need to worry! Ensuring guests feel at home and happy on Soroz is part of my duty!
Oh, and by the way, Mia is quite fond of Knight's Black Tea. Now that I think about it, she does have a hint of a knightly demeanor.

Her Story (I)

Recently, that weak and helpless girl, Veronica, has been occupying my thoughts. Yes, that was my name when I was known only as the eldest daughter of the Schwartz family. Surprised? Hmm... I knew that as the daughter of the City Lord of Lumopolis, I had fallen far short of everyone's expectations. N-No, it's okay, I don't need you to console me! "Veronica isn't much of a fighter, so don't expect too much from her..." Those were my father's words back then. I overheard this sentence from a dark corner, and felt as though I was being dragged to the bottom of a deep ocean... Although I loved art and music at that time, in order to become the model eldest daughter my father expected, I picked up my sword and practiced day and night in the courtyard. Perhaps I really didn't have any talent. Every time my father saw me training, sword in hand, he always shook his head and walked away. But... But I couldn't give up! I am a daughter of the Schwartz family—I cannot bring shame to my noble name. Finally... I somehow used Luminatics to summon Hippoca! But when my father saw Hippoca, he became even angrier... He asked me not to show my terrifying Luminatics to anyone. A horse's head and a spider's body... Perhaps it really is somewhat scary. So, even though I joined the Lumo Knights and marched onto the battlefield at Umbraton, I made sure not to summon Hippoca again. Hmm? You actually want to meet Hippoca? Well, I'm sure it is eager to meet you too... Thank you, %s.

Her Story (II)

Um, you want to know about my friend? Her name is Baba Yaga... Oh, you already know of her? I hope she hasn't caused you any trouble... Sh-She's behaved herself? That's a relief!
Really? You also feel she's essentially a well-intention child, albeit a little elusive? Well, although she's a bit rambunctious and likes to cause utter havoc now and then, she doesn't intentionally harm everyone or me... In fact, she always does what she can to protect me when I need her the most. So, I have long been accustomed to her presence, and she has become a part of me.
Recently, I have received a lot of treatment... They say I'm almost cured of my illness. This first filled me with such joy, as it means that I may finally be able to return to a normal life, but I later realized that... Baba Yaga rarely appears in my mind these days. I-I didn't actually want her to leave me for good! Hmm? You mean... Baba Yaga thinks I'm strong enough to go on without her protection now? Thank you, %s. I hope Baba Yaga really thinks I am...

Her Story (III)

Life in Lumopolis seems like a distant dream to me now. The more time passes, the more dream-like it becomes, and the more I yearn for those days...
I remember my mother and father often talking about the many exotic places of the outside world at the dining table, and they always said that when Carleen was old enough, they'd take us on a trip. In those days, I would hold my sister's hand and stroll through the streets with her, buying her little gifts and drinking countless varieties of tea with her around the city. When we grew tired, we rested our heads on our mother's lap and listened to her tell stories of knights defeating the Eclipsites, together lulling Carleen to sleep...
These beautiful memories, although I'll never experience them again... the love I felt still drives me forward. Hmm? You want to know if I regret anything? Unfortunately, there are things we all regret, but... now I've embarked on a new beginning, haven't I? Thank you for listening to me, %s. I won't let the people around me worry about me anymore.

Her Story (IV)

Mia is my name now, and it is this identity that has served me so well since running away to Umbraton. I no longer hate myself for failing to win my father's love, but rather, I now feel more at ease than ever... Now I feel like I understand my father a little better. He simply sought to gain a certain sense of security from his progeny.
My mother once said, "No knight should fail in their loyalty to the City Lord, and no daughter should fail to emulate her father's honor." Although I am no longer my father's daughter, nor am I a Lumo Knight, no one and nothing can take my desire to protect my family and Lumopolis away from me. I seek the approval of no one—all I need is to stand firm in my beliefs and live a life that means something to me! I have already made up my mind—just as Umbraton is the shadow of Lumopolis, I will be Carleen's shadow, safeguarding Lumopolis and my family beneath the shadow of this floating city!
Oh, sorry... I scared myself a little too with that outburst. I suppose I can also be a little bullheaded at times... Do you think I'm bullheaded, %s?