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Koyasu Takehito

Tap on the Colossus Room

After traveling all over the continent, I still decided to return to my hometown. That's when I met them—the Rediesel Wrench.

I spent a long time in Lumopolis and was taken care of by a lot of kind-hearted people there.

Live life in the present moment.

The Eclipsites might not be smart, but they're very strong.

Sinsa isn't exactly a meticulous guy, but we still get along.

You want to know what the deal is with me and Bopper? I guess you could say she's like a daughter to me, ha.

I like to try new perfumes, although they can be hit and miss sometimes. But that's part of the fun.

Guys who don't even make an effort to look good make me sick.

Soroz and I are birds of a feather. After all, we can both fly.

Interact with the Colossus Room

A true gentleman should always pay attention to his appearance, even at home.

Change Assistant

I'm gonna need you to pay me an hourly salary. Yeah, 10,000 Nightium per hour, that's the price of friendship. Erm... it looks like your financial situation isn't in the best state, so I guess I'll do you a favor for now.

Battle Failed

I guess I drank too much last night...


That was just a warm-up.

Unleash Chain Combos

There's always a silver lining!

I don't miss a beat!

Active Skill is Ready

They're with me.

Enter the Formation

Trust in me.

Aurorian Ascension I

The streams of my hometown suddenly spring to mind...

Aurorian Ascension II

The arid river flows again.

Aurorian Ascension III

In the silver mountain stream, the mayflies dance all-day—


What are you doing standing around here like some dimwit? No one's asked you out on a date? Well, that's a real shame. Wanna learn something about time management, just watch the master in action.

Upgrade Successful

We all need space to breathe.

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars.

Happy New Year! On a special day like this, how about you come and have some fun with me?

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

Come on, mate, you're too uptight! Life's short, so don't sweat the small stuff! Energy, passion, and gorgeous girls—that's what life is all about!

Apart from being the home of fine cuisine, fancy restaurants are also the perfect place to meet the most charming older women. These two points alone make them places well worth hanging around, in my eyes.

What a pain! I left a bottle of vermouth here yesterday, so why is it missing today? What happened exactly... Wait—did I drink it all? Maybe that's why my head hurts so much...

Of course, everyone has a past, and in my case... perhaps the word "atonement" is the best word for describing my stance on all I've been through.

A man always needs to reach a turning point to experience real growth. It could come in the form of an unforgettable event, or... it could be due to a love pursued in vain.

Even a mayfly can yearn for the sky and the sun. After meeting you, my heart feels a bit restless, but don't get me wrong, I don't find you that interesting.

Even if they are twenty years older than me, there's an ocean of mature women out there, each full of experience and charm. Interested in dating one for yourself? Say no more—come with me and we'll go find ourselves some women!

Hmm... You smell like a sweaty little kid. Just take this bottle of perfume and give it a try. No need to thank me, really.

I'm not qualified to be loved... nor am I capable of truly loving. People say I don't take life seriously... Of course, I agree completely with them.

Hey, don't you know it's rude to treat me like I'm your uncle or something?! Why don't you call me Big Cena? You think that sounds awful? Well, that makes me real sad, kid. Just call me Cena, then.

A lot of the facilities at the resort were carefully designed by yours truly to ensure that each guest enjoys a unique and unforgettable experience...

You scared me! Could you please make a little noise next time you sneak up on me? I was just thinking about how to transform this boring old room into something amazing.

Happy New Year! On a special day like this, how about you come and have some fun with me?

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

Why are you staring at me? Is my hair a mess? Maybe I should go find a hairdresser to take care of my do...

I recommend you try eggs Benedict for breakfast. It's nutritious and delicious!

The night is young! I need to hurry up and go on a date!

Young people shouldn't work so hard! Let's have a night out together!

Spring Festival Voice

Happy New Year! On a special day like this, how about you come and have some fun with me?

Obtain an Aurorian

Welcome to my resort. As the caretaker here, it's my duty to make sure you have a good time. Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself... You can call me Cena.

Receiving a gift

Thanks for taking the trouble.

Is there anything you need me to help with?

Receiving a preferred gift

Wow, you actually get what I'm all about.

How about I give you some dating tips in return?

Release Active Skill

Mayflies, awaken from your dream! Ripples arise!

Dance, mayflies, dance! Let it all go!


No one can stop me.

Aurorian Trivia I

I was born in a village in Denuo Valley, and now I've returned here to run a resort... I guess life's just like that sometimes.

Aurorian Trivia II

I lived in Lumopolis for years and gradually succumbed to the sway of its culture and rules of social etiquette. Perhaps that's why you think I look slightly different from your typical Rediesel Wrench monkeys.

Aurorian Trivia III

You wanna know why I came back here? I guess I just got bored after traveling almost the entire continent of Astra and was fed up with drifting along with the tide.

The Captain's Entrance

I can hardly wait.