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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Healer that can select and convert tiles



(S- at BT3)


+Healing and conversion tied into one kit

+Raphael-esque EQ can be very useful

+Decent damage for a healer


-– Often forces you to choose between healing or generating contact tiles
– EQ does not work on chromatic tiles, drastically limiting his value in Goldie teams
– Incredibly limited range on the second selectable tile, which can limit potential contact points

-Teleportation for his Equipment is a meme
– Unless played perfectly, most of his competition can easily outdo him


Antony is a healer-converter hybrid in the mold of Thunder’s Roy, offering healing, limited conversion, and some damage. Unfortunately, also like Roy, his abilities have some significant caveats. For one, he cannot heal unless standing in the rectangle or square created by his selected tiles (a 3x3 square max at BT3; 4x4 max at MBT). This often forces you to choose between converting contact points or healing instead of getting both consistently. In addition, because his second select tile’s placement range is limited by the location of the first time, his conversion lacks the flexibility of someone like Hiiro. Worse still, his Equipment doesn’t work on chromatic tiles, which hugely limits his usefulness in teams with Goldie (where he’d otherwise fit in great). In the end, Antony’s healer-converter niche is a useful one; it’s just that the limitations on his gameplay can feel frustrating and cause him to underperform his competition.