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Simple Campsite

Simple Campsite
Vigor: +20

It's a shabby campsite yet filled with the aroma of malt. It's like a warm campfire, or steam that scatters in all directions.

Memory Relics

Memory Relics
Vigor: +20

All things will end up being forgotten eventually, so will the concept "being forgotten" itself.

Voyage Beacon

Voyage Beacon
Vigor: +30

The orange color rises to the sky along with the warm air. It goes higher and higher, and eventually becomes the beacon for the voyagers.

Wreckage Workshop

Wreckage Workshop
Vigor: +30

They are not supposed to be buried here, but it's still a perfect ending.

Glimmering Greenhouse

Glimmering Greenhouse
Vigor: +65

The glimmer of the fireflies or the warm sunshine? It has both.

Loot Garage

Loot Garage
Vigor: +95

The green tractor has witnessed too many stories, and now it is always talking about them again and again.

Moon Dock

Moon Dock
Vigor: +135

Careful, don't bump into these fresh, juicy moons.

Big Ben

Big Ben
Vigor: +75

The bell tolled the hour; fifteen minutes have been taken away from the people, but another fifteen minutes have been granted to them for their loss. Time is fair to all.

Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge
Vigor: +90

The sweet Thames, at her gentle pace, flows into the night—the night where passers-by walk past the Gateway of London, the night where singers sing their last note before the dawn breaks.

Wilderness Eye

Wilderness Eye
Vigor: +120

The ferries wheel, the wheel of sweet hopes. Keen faces and noses pressing against the pod glass, the visitors are eager to reach the highest point of the city and be among the stars.

Culture Bus

Culture Bus
Vigor: +45

Leaving the laughing wind and the hesitating figures in the dust, books in their hands, the voluble bus riders set out on their journey. As the wheels spin, they head for the neighboring blocks.

Voice of the Red

Voice of the Red
Vigor: +65

The scarlet booths, and some words from afar. This is the lean source of comfort people had during the Great Depression.

Relaxed Moment

Relaxed Moment
Vigor: +85

You can breathe, warm up, and escape... for now.

Misty Watchtower

Misty Watchtower
Vigor: +45

Climbing to the top, the fugitive looked out over the mist. Below the earth, creeping, crawling things came following the light...

Tatty Sign

Tatty Sign
Vigor: +45

Twisting scratches, dark red bloodstains... "This is a lame joke," said every trespasser.

Lakebed Banquet

Lakebed Banquet
Vigor: +105

They took off their coats and rolled up their pants, laughing as they made for the island. It was a race into its bottomless appetite.

Tranquil Camp

Tranquil Camp
Vigor: +85

Soup, light, and a speaker echoing through the forest. Fear creeps in, and they seem to have... expected it?

Runaway Truck

Runaway Truck
Vigor: +45

A full tank, fresh tires, and headlights that could light up the whole forest... They whooped excitedly as they rolled over the darkness, bursting it like a bubble!

Fake Dawn

Fake Dawn
Vigor: +105

My friend, a lamp glowing in the darkness isn't always a symbol of hope... Imagine the sound moths make as they throw themselves into the pyre.

Ancient Observatory

Ancient Observatory
Vigor: +120

A storied ancient observatory. The stars do not lie, for their every move is a reflection of Mankind's development.

Hanging Pavilion

Hanging Pavilion
Vigor: +75

A lone stone pavilion suspended over the center of the river, from which the sunset over the river banks and flocks of birds taking to the sky can be seen.

Belated Moon of Victory

Belated Moon of Victory
Vigor: +85

The solid ground is as strong and pure as ivory tusks. When it finally shines for all to see, justice shall endure.

Raft of the Mud

Raft of the Mud
Vigor: +45

They are unobtrusive yet commonplace. Like nirvana and goblins, like Garuda, they cause an uproar wherever they go, yet few can give them pause.

Primal Stone Cellar

Primal Stone Cellar
Vigor: +95

From the beginning of time, the wise have always been enlightened, and devotees have offered their prayers. The traveler's questioning was soon answered by no thoughts of destruction, no presumption of eternal life, no difference between day and night.

Festival Boat

Festival Boat
Vigor: +45

As they course through the water that reflects the candlelight, shattered light dots flicker like stars, so close they are almost within reach.

Reflection of the Moon Palace

Reflection of the Moon Palace
Vigor: +85

Cony's gorgeous palace appears within reach. The ripples follow one after another, shattering to form a pool of lamentation.

Shadow Play at a Candlelit Night

Shadow Play at a Candlelit Night
Vigor: +85

The light of the candles falls upon the drapery. Only the majesty of the striped horse of legends that gallops against the wind, flying over mountain rivers in the distance can equal this.

Lord of Snowy Season

Lord of Snowy Season
Vigor: +65

It just wants to take a good nap among the snowdrifts and the gifts, and send you greetings for the snowy season.

Memories of Yesterday

Memories of Yesterday
Vigor: +65

It suddenly appears on a day as the year draws to a close, preserving the memories of days gone by.

Shelter of Answer

Shelter of Answer
Vigor: +95

Offer it questions and sincerity, and it will hand you the key.

Agora for the Crowds

Agora for the Crowds
Vigor: +95

A bonfire rises, a stone pillar is erected. Hearing the sound, the crowd descends in droves.

Cavern of the Truth

Cavern of the Truth
Vigor: +135

Colliding and intertwining, the footsteps of wisdom echo in this place, across the ages.

Sculpture of the Sage I

Sculpture of the Sage I
Vigor: +65

Every life comes to an end, and every building returns to rubble. Only wisdom lives on, forever seeking its next form.

Sculpture of the Sage II

Sculpture of the Sage II
Vigor: +65

Every life comes to an end, and every building returns to rubble. Towering above, atop the Eternal Heights, form is no longer a necessity.

Desert Train

Desert Train
Vigor: +65

Like a galloping foal, it has broken free from the shackles of the desert.

Travel Caravan

Travel Caravan
Vigor: +85

As the heat subsides, they sit in a circle, awakening the silent voices of their hearts.

Monument of Revival

Monument of Revival
Vigor: +45

Look here, look here... the eternal history seared with flames!

Rekindled Fire

Rekindled Fire
Vigor: +120

A grand return, a rekindled blaze of passionate hearts.

Coral Island

Coral Island
Vigor: +95

The serene days of yore are reborn here.

Els's Giant Rock

Els's Giant Rock
Vigor: +110

On a summer day without a trace of dark clouds, it too was never absent.

Courtyard Garden

Courtyard Garden
Vigor: +105

A painting needs its frame, and here you can have countless landscapes.

Crane of Comrades

Crane of Comrades
Vigor: +85

A dependable friend who silently and steadfastly carries our burdens, time and time again.

Palace of Culture

Palace of Culture
Vigor: +85

Let us sing the spirited song that can make delicate flowers bloom in the midst of heavy snow.