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Backstory 1

The Adjudicator of the Sanctuary. A top decision-maker of the organization, though one that skips all kinds of important meetings.
She is of such a high status that other leaders of the Sanctuary address her by honorifics. Some speculate she is the actual ruler of the Sanctuary.

Backstory 2

Always carries with her the Swords of Divine Judgment, Parondit & Fusariel. Legend has it that back in Primeval Times, she used the dual swords to slash the sky, thus forming the Heavenly River.

Backstory 3

Back in Primeval Times, Demongod Gordia plunged the world into chaos. In the fight to stop her, Curtana suffered heavy injuries and lost much of her power.
She had to watch helplessly as the world suffered. At the moment of her deepest despair, God spoke to her and instructed her to give the sacred object, Sword Maiden of Shooting Stars, to a human child. The move eventually saved the world.

Backstory 4

Having lost much of her power, a crippling sense of inadequacy compelled Curtana to resign as the Protector. But still, she never forgot her oath to defend Cassiel.
Even though she had retired from political affairs for a long time, when demons invaded, she once again drew the Swords of Divine Judgment and joined the fight to protect Cassiel.