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Their Experiences

You mean the crocodile and the bird? They're with Rediesel Wrench. As you know, we've had bad run-ins with them and Sinsa even put up some sort of bounty. It came off the table quickly since Sinsa was just half-joking. But Sork and Bekk, the crocodile and the bird, took it seriously. It's hard to imagine they actually tracked us for so long.
Well, they realized after we met that the bounty was worthless when we finally convinced Sinsa to clear the issue up. However, probably because they didn't want to come all the way here for nothing, they took us as a new client and Colossus for another base. I think they won't be going anywhere for now.

Their Story (I)

I have such a massive maw but I don't eat much... I'm cold-blooded, after all! That's why I didn't eat Bekk that day! She was lucky... No, I mean she's lucky to find a great buddy like me! I remember she was crushed under a pile of rocks for several days without food or drink. I happened to pass by. She told me she wasn't even big enough to eat, but she could pick my fangs clean for me! So that's how we became partners.

Their Story (II)

The bird is actually a poor thing. Where she lived has no name, because not even her parents know it, but they can actually live as long as anyone, and they supposedly enjoyed prestige in a certain small town, until the Eclipsites destroyed it all. Anyway, there went the happy times. To survive, Bekk's parents often went out scrounging for food, leaving Bekk alone in the nest. It was a big nest, but usually with just Bekk in it. So then came Bekk's friend Sork one day. That Sork wasn't me. It was another birdie. But birdie Sork and bird Bekk's parents got killed by the Eclipsites. Birdie Bekk's parents pushed her out of the next to save her, and birdie Sork took the falling rocks for her so they wouldn't knock her out... She was unfortunate.

Their Story (III)

My name didn't use to be Sork but Gana. Before I met Bekk, I was the only croc ever to get some ancient machine to work for my tribe! Don't judge me by my big maw, I'm not stupid! I fixed that old machine and became the sage!
However, somebody brought the Eclipsite and that destroyed the tribe and our forest. So, I started wandering around, homeless, and met that birdie Bekk. She called me Sork because she was fond of that name... It's fine with me.
Then we came to the Rediesel Wrench. Since I'm used to her picking my fangs anyway, it's cool for us to fight together too.