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Katsuyuki Konishi & Shizuka Ishigami

Tap on the Colossus Room

- Too many noisy people. Sometimes you just wanna shoot them all dead. - Uh... Chirp!

As for grenades, the ones from Illumina are the best. They're light and make quite a bang.

Desperado! Attack!

- Feed them to sandworms. - In small chunks.

Good luck trying to get us to agree with you anytime soon. After all, you still got a long way to go to catch up to Sinsa.

- Kuma and Pengy don't need guns, their weapons are only bluffs. - Oh! Chirp!

10-year-old grease dipped in 5 years worth of gun sludge... Delicious.

Damn it, jammed again! This is the worst!

How about we fire and blast the damn Eclipsites with it!

Interact with the Colossus Room

- We want our due and not one penny less! - Chirp!

Change Assistant

Must I smile? It could scare you. Eh, whatever, as long as I get paid.

Battle Failed

- Bekk, take cover in my jaws now! - Gotta go, chirp!


- Just par for the course. - Chirp, chirp!

Unleash Chain Combos

Boom! Bang!

It's our turn!

Active Skill is Ready

Target locked.

Enter the Formation

Those who treat this as a hobby should stand aside.

Aurorian Ascension I

Let us decorate them with bullet holes!

Aurorian Ascension II

Another bunch of sitting ducks.


Since you're busy, how about leaving it to us to tidy it up?

Upgrade Successful

Accuracy improved!

Voice Login

- Alchemy. - Stars! Stars! Stars!

- New Year? Well, Happy New Year. - Chirp!

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

- Me, fierce? Um, I'm farsighted, but it might just be me wanting to eat you. - Chirp chirp chirp!

- Oh... - Quiet. Don't disturb me when I'm checking my rounds, or there's a bullet with your name on it. - Chirp.

Don't compare me to those two clowns. You toss them in the Old Capital and see how long they live, numbnuts!

- I got to take care of my bestest buddy, you know... - Your bestest buddy? - Shh, I'm polishing my gun.

- We need a target to practice. Wanna be my target? - But what if you hurt me? - Well, you tell me. - You're so irresponsible!

I wasn't looking at the young ladies! As a professional gunner, getting distracted by merely that is impossible!!

- It would be nice to find a girl taller than me to partner with, though. - What did you say!? Chirp!

I'm a merciless gunner and wouldn't leave tracks behind like that, got it? It was all this guy's fault.

Don't I look super cool from the side? Ain't it the perfect picture of a composed merc?

- Let's play a game. Loser gets to be tonight's dinner. - You're joking, right?

No smoking here? And? You could get skinned and made into a purse for meddling, kid.

- New Year? Well, Happy New Year. - Chirp!

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

A new quest?

A boring job.

Bad air quality! Cough! Chirp!

Leave now. The Colossus is ours already.

Spring Festival Voice

- New Year? Well, Happy New Year. - Chirp!

Obtain an Aurorian

I'm Sork and this here is Bekk. We just made a bet on when the Eclipsites will devour you. Wanna get in on it?

Receiving a gift

That's all?

Whoa, it's very worth the time!

Receiving a preferred gift

This one's nice! Me likey!

Wow... Thanks much! Chirp!

Release Active Skill


In one side, out the other! Chirp!


In position.

Aurorian Trivia I

It's good not to have to worry about the shortage of ammo. But occasionally I miss the days wandering on the wasteland and bargaining with profiteers... Bargaining tricks? No trick at all. Just throw your gun on the counter, and done.

Aurorian Trivia II

- What would you do when the Eclipsites come in swarms that block out the sun? - Fire, of course. Chirp! -No, it's obvious you should be wishing for even more Eclipsites, dumbass bird.

The Captain's Entrance

Anyone with a yellow streak? Now's the last chance to run for your life.