Tap on the Colossus Room
Making money isn't aww I care about—I want to wearn fwom our most awesome senior couwier!
I wike Northwand! It's just wike Cwoud Mountain, my hometown.
You can always twust in the Couwier Union to dewiver!
Ecwipsites are awful... But if you want to fight them, you can ask me to hewp!
Nawoxel? I absowutewy adore her! I hope I can be just wike her when I gwow up!
Pepi is just gweat, and is always wooking out for us!
Soaking in a hot spwing while thwowing snowballs and watching the chewwy bwossoms... Of course I can do them all at the same time!
Sending this mail to the Wediesel Wench? Actually... I can't stand pwaces that are too hot.
Wow! Will my chickadees ever gwow that big?
Interact with the Colossus Room
Navi-Navi-Navigator! I have a special Couwier Union survey for you! Do you have time to fiww it in?
Change Assistant
I'm here! Wow! What a perfect pwace for a snowbaww fight!
Battle Failed
I thought I could hewp...
It's aww part of the job! Heehee!
Unleash Chain Combos
Let's have a baww!
Snowball Storm!
Active Skill is Ready
Get weady, snowman!
Enter the Formation
I'm here to hewp!
Aurorian Ascension I
Snowbawws, snowbawws, snowbawws!
Aurorian Ascension II
My snowbawws are getting bigger!
Aurorian Ascension III
I bewive my accent is starting to fade!
Navigator, have you finished wwiting your wetter? I'll dewiver it for you, and it'll get to where it's going in no time.
Upgrade Successful
Wow! I didn't know I could fwy so high!
Voice Login
Awchemy Stars!
Even in the new year, thwowing snowbawws never gets old!
Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen
Wewcome! Ah, no, this isn't Cwoud Bwossom Hotel! Huh? Does that not weally matter?
Do you wike snow? Come and have a snowball fight with me! Don't wowwy, I have a whole wot of them!
Navigator, I'm here to dewiver a gift to you! Oh... I put it in my hat! Where did it go?
Ah, I'm sowwy! Did I fwighten you? This white ball is my wittle chickadee, not a snowball!
My snowball skills are even better now! I'm gonna make a big snowman that wooks just wike you!
Do you wike bwossoms, Navigator? I wikes them vewy much. Especially snow bwossoms and chewwy bwossoms... They're bwooming beautiful!
Navi-Navi-Navigator! I wanna fix the way I tawk. Can you hewp me out?
If you're ever in twouble, tell me, and I'll be happy to share the burden!
Navigator, when you come stay on Cwoud Mountain, wemember to teww me! I'll ask for bweak and be your host.
What was that? There's a wetter in my tail...? Wow, you're cowwect! Thank you, Navigator!
My chickadees say they miss the chewwy bwossoms of Cwoud Mountain.
Navigator, where can I take a dip in a hot spwing awound here?
Even in the new year, thwowing snowbawws never gets old!
Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen
Alwight, alweady! I'm coming! Phew! Your mail is here. Pwease sign here!
Good morning! Navigator, are you stiww sleeping? I'm alweady out of bed!
Busy, busy, always busy... This time evewy day, I weally wanna soak in a hot spwing.
You're stiww up, Navigator? I can't keep my eyes open. Good... night... Zzzzz...
Spring Festival Voice
Even in the new year, thwowing snowbawws never gets old!
Obtain an Aurorian
Hi, Navigator! Wemember me? I'm Tweety. Let me know if you needs anything!
Receiving a gift
Is this... reawwy for me?
Navigator, you're the gweatest!
Receiving a preferred gift
Wow! I want to go back and show this to Gwammy!
Woo-hoo! This is the gwreatest gift I've ever weceived!
Release Active Skill
Hewe the snowman comes!
Snowman Surge!
I'm weady for action!
Aurorian Trivia I
In the far east, there is a beautiful pwace called Cwoud Mountain, where the snowfwakes dance in the air with the chewwy bwossoms. Wow, I miss home now...
Aurorian Trivia II
Gwammy has been taking care of me since I was wittle. I need to work my hardest to become an amazing couwier and make her pwoud!
Aurorian Trivia III
I may speak funny, but I have a lot of good fwiends on the mainwand. Huh? Yeah, of couwse you're one of my good fwiends too, Navigator!
The Captain's Entrance
Let me twy!