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Tap on the Colossus Room

Command passed. Level 3 determination is to protect Illumina. Person passing command—Reinhardt.

Verifying command. Passed. Unlocked. Lilliam No. 4 to follow the True Order.

For... Lilin's Pride.

Answering. Eliminating command. Priority level 4. Repelling command. Priority level 3.

Target determination. Fanatic researcher. Danger level 2. Do not be alone with her.

Target determination. White cat. Medium risk of information leakage. Danger level 2.

Answering. Lilliam likes cleaning activities and more lightweight metal equipment.

Determination permission level 1. "Dislike" granted. Answering. No. 1 dislikes filth.

Determining. Connection signal sensed. Waveband is similar. Tracking. Failed. Conducting entity tracking.

Interact with the Colossus Room

Asking. It is a beautiful day. How may I help you?

Change Assistant

Switching status. Translating and converting. No. 1—Signature Maid. Always ready to welcome guests.

Battle Failed

Mission failed. Over.


Mission complete. Over.

Unleash Chain Combos

Mode. Protect.

Mode. Repel.

Active Skill is Ready

Attack. Ready.

Enter the Formation

Switching status. Executor.

Aurorian Ascension I

Strengthened. Permission elevated.

Aurorian Ascension II

Making a statement. Database authority unlocked.

Aurorian Ascension III

- Introducing the Master, Lilin. - No. 2 reporting for duty.


Vulnerability detection... Detection complete. Command passed. Lilliam will be at your service and is readily available.

Upgrade Successful

Determining. Ability increased.

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars.

I wish you a happy New Year, Master.

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

Answering question. Translating and converting. Replying. Lilliam is Lilin's clone, not a robot but a maid.

Answering. No. 1's speech mode is programmed. Translating and converting... It's just that No. 1's personality is more rigid.

Translating and converting. Please treat No. 1 as a regular maid and assign her work. Please treat No. 2 as a slacking maid and assign her a lot of work.

Disclosing information. A programmed personality is inscribed in Lilliam and saved in the fixed thinking mode. Omission is permitted according to determination permission.

Disclosing information. No. 1. Determination permission level 1. Confidentiality level 3. Database level 3. Evolution lock level 2.

- Introduction. Lilliam No. 2. Database level 4. Evolution lock level 1. - Translating. A little silly. Never learns.

Translating and converting. Please do not worry. If No. 1 gets hurt, she can be treated and replaced.

Disclosing information. Lilliam is on the same page. The highest command is to protect Lilin. The second highest command is to protect you.

Please do not be surprised. No. 1 can omit the programmed personality based on her own determination. Further report. No. 1 wishes to have more in-depth communication with you.

Eyes: Vacant. Answer: No. 1 will take good care of the eyes. Please do not worry.

No. 1 has finished cleaning the room. No dust has been overlooked.

Self-initiating explanation. There are other Lilliams besides No. 1 and No. 2.

I wish you a happy New Year, Master.

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

Welcome back, Master. Statement: Black tea is served.

Good morning, Master. Making a statement. Breakfast is ready.

Welcome back, Master. Asking: Would you like to have dinner or dessert?

You must be tired, Master. Asking: Would you like to bathe now?

Spring Festival Voice

I wish you a happy New Year, Master.

Obtain an Aurorian

Verifying command. Passed. No. 1, switching status, maid. Master, this is a statement for you. Lilliam will become a force to protect you.

Receiving a gift

Determining. A regular grade item.

Overstatement. Somewhat regular.

Receiving a preferred gift

No. 1 representative. Accepting favored presents.

No. 1, Lilliam, likes your present.

Release Active Skill

Mode. Region elimination.

- Command. Region elimination. - Roger!


Safe mode, off.

Aurorian Trivia I

Making a statement. Lilliam can speak normally as a maid, but according to surveys, the speech mode of No. 1 is popular among customers.

Aurorian Trivia II

Disclosing information. No. 1 was a regular maid when she woke up. She found Master Lilin at Undercity 28, unlocking the highest command.

Aurorian Trivia III

Introducing. Common features of Lilliams: Procedures, orders, no tampering... Translating: Thoughts, missions, unable to disobey.

The Captain's Entrance

Switching status. Commander.