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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Detonator with okay ATK scaling and an active that resets on kill.




+Gradual ATK scaling for the entire team

+Active spam makes her relevant in Codex Bethel teams against bosses with adds


-Sniper active, but does not have enough DPR/AoE to compete with actual Snipers

-Controlling Active Skill targeting is impossible

-Witness Marks take too long to scale, even at low CD

-Sweep feature killed her primary use


Another unit that fell due to the sweep feature. You will be miss.

Jokes aside, Jane is really, really clunky. If an enemy's HP is identical to another, Jane's Active targets from right to left, and top to bottom. This makes using it at the start of waves (which is when it should be used ideally) very, very awkward.

Likewise, a team ATK buff is usually valuable in its own right, but Jane doesn't contribute to multi-tile boss damage enough in those scenarios either. There's an argument to be made against single-tile bosses, but she's strictly outclassed by her fellow 4* compatriot, Chloe.

It is worth noting that she has a small niche in Bethel comps for Active spam, but those are far out of the realm of normal play.