Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
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Aya Uchida

Tap on the Colossus Room

Illumina's my home, and it always will be. I'll do anything to protect it.

If I'm not in Illumina, I'm in Umbraton. They appreciate my pranks a lot more there.

Splendor Illumina!

A day when Eclipsites no longer threaten Astra... I know that day will come.

Miss Vice is incredible. So strong and dependable... I want to be just like her!

I'll tell you a secret... I really want to play with Sharona's tail. I bet it would be fun!

I love metal music, you know? The beat, the energy... It gets me really pumped!

I can't stand unprofessional people. When you're at work, you gotta work hard!

Even though I know what a Colossus is, but still, it's amazing!

Interact with the Colossus Room

Hello? Can you hear me now? Yeah, I hear you loud and clear!

Change Assistant

Right then! Signaller Ansia, standing by to ensure timely and accurate communications... Wait, you don't need me to do that right now?

Battle Failed

Run away!


It's all good!

Unleash Chain Combos



Active Skill is Ready

Setting up complete!

Enter the Formation

I'll handle communications!

Aurorian Ascension I

Routine maintenance on our comms equipment is part of the job, too!

Aurorian Ascension II

Wanna hear about my work as a signaller? It's neat stuff!

Aurorian Ascension III

Time to boost the signal to the moon!


I made puzzles because I'm very bored. I just set up a trap for you. Guess where it is?

Upgrade Successful

Turn the volume up!

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars—!

Happy New Year! I hope you'll get more good news in the new year!

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

Hush, see the enemy over there? We better run while we can! Mind your step when fleeing... You know I'm joking, right?

You lose something? Hey, don't look at me! I like playing pranks, but I don't steal... Here, I'll even help you look, if it'll clear my name!

I would never play pranks at work, but I'm off-duty now, so... Don't cha wanna know what I did?

I guess that last fight caused some problems... Oh hey, perfect timing! I'm debugging some of our devices, could you give me a hand and check the volume?

Thanks for believing in me, I'll keep working hard and doing my best! On my job AND my pranks!

A good signaller should be patient, focused, and ready to adapt to any situation in order to communicate quickly and effectively!

We interrupt your off-duty hours to bring you an urgent message: A huge caterpillar has appeared in the Navigator's room! Furthermore, I was definitely not the one who put it there!

Hey Navigator? To show how much I care, starting today I'm going to give you even more surprises!

A good prank can strengthen the friendship between two people, but I would never take it too far. After all, I don't want to get on your bad side!

I got a quick job to do, I'll come right back once I'm done!

Walk this way! If you fall into my trap, I'm not helping you out... Oh, you already fell in.

Oh, you want to know what the note on your back says? Well, I'm not telling you!

Happy New Year! I hope you'll get more good news in the new year!

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

How's the work coming along? If you need a signaller, you can call on me anytime!

Morning! Need any messages sent? Nothing again, huh?

Good evening! Another day is over, remember to summarize everything that needs to be reported!

It's the middle of the night! No one's gonna answer your messages this late... unless I use one of my secret techniques!

Spring Festival Voice

Happy New Year! I hope you'll get more good news in the new year!

Obtain an Aurorian

Testing! Testing! This is Ansia speaking. I'm the ace signaller of Illumina and thought I'd reach out first since I hadn't received any work orders from you yet!

Receiving a gift

A gift? Is it a jack-in-the-box?

I was actually hoping for a jack-in-the-box, you know!

Receiving a preferred gift

Wow! Can I really have this?

Thanks! Now, allow me to return the favor!

Release Active Skill


Shake 'em up!


Sonic waves on standby!

Aurorian Trivia I

I am never much of a fighter, but eventually I find something I am good at—communications! As a signaller, I make sure everyone stays in the know at all times!

Aurorian Trivia II

One time, I secretly removed the magazine from an Illumina officer's gun. He was so mad when he realized it was missing, but he couldn't do anything without ammo, so he just stormed off instead!

Aurorian Trivia III

I do recon work from time to time. No matter how dangerous the situation, signallers have to do everything in our power to ensure our messages reach their destination quickly!

The Captain's Entrance

Stay in touch, everyone!