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Her Experiences

Okay, it may sound strange coming out of my mouth, but I think Sadie is really into me, somehow. When she first came aboard the Colossus, she kept her cap low like she was a rapper or something, keeping herself distant. But then, when I was worried about how to get her to fit in, something that made her think I was "cool" happened...
She walked in on me when I was brushing up on my culinary skills and saw how bad I was at it, so I had to stand up for myself and say, "It's precisely because of the fact that I'm bad at it that I have to do my best to get better at it!" I really didn't think she would be so impressed. Then she asked me for advice on how to be more "cool," and I remembered how Sadie always picks out the vegetables in her food. So I said to her, "Just make an effort to eat the vegetables that you don't like, you'll be cool too."
To be honest, I have no idea how to be more "cool." I just said the first thing that came to my mind when she asked me. But I mean, vegetables are good for you, aren't they? So she's gonna forgive me when she's all grown up and healthy, right? Right!?

Her Story (I)

A swashbuckler needs to maintain a mysterious aura to be cool. But if you want to know, I can share a bit more with you. Just a bit, okay? I'm really not some wild child who grew up without parents. It's just that they are not here with me right now.
Back when I was little, my parents and I lived in Lumopolis, where they worked. When I was old enough for school, they had to send me back to Umbraton alone due to the high education costs in Lumopolis, and they stayed behind in Lumopolis to work. So that's how I ended up in the charity school set up by the Andersens.
Was it hard for me to adapt to a different lifestyle here?
... Not at all.
Firstly, because I can't remember much of my early years. And secondly, because I actually enjoy life in Umbraton a lot. It's a place with freedom, character, and a robust hip-hop culture. Umbraton and me, we just fit. There's no other place like Umbraton for me. Especially since... there are so many admirable and cool older girls here. I want to become someone as capable as they are.

Her Story (II)

%s has a lot of questions, but Sadie the Swashbuckler is here to answer! I have to say, "that person" and "that incident" were instrumental in my becoming a swashbuckler.
I didn't like to study, but I loved reading comics—especially comics about swashbucklers. But back then, my allowance was only enough to buy old comics. Up-to-date comics were a luxury to me.
One day, I saw a group of boys talking about the latest swashbuckler comic issue, so I approached them and asked if they'd be willing to share the issue with me. They promptly turned me down, but, wanting to read it so much, I wouldn't take no for an answer, so I overpowered them with my natural strength and snatched the comic book from them. I told them I was gonna read it right there, and that they could have it back after I was done, but Allura, who happened to pass by, saw everything. She came up to me and demanded that I return the comic book to those boys and asked me a question that changed my life: "For someone who adores swashbucklers so much, why would you do something that opposes their ways?"
Okay, okay! Stop lecturing me already! I knew what I did was wrong, and I vowed never to do something as despicable as that ever again!

Her Story (III)

Because of Allura's words, not only did I stop doing things that go against the swashbuckling lifestyle, I even tried to be like Allura and did my best to stop wrongful conduct. Even though I was young and couldn't really do many of the things Allura did, I had my great natural strength on my side.
So I took on different jobs to earn some pocket money and prepare myself to become a real swashbuckler. Naturally, I had to give myself a cool name: Super Sadie Swashbuckler 666, just like the swashbucklers in the comics. Whenever I complete a job, I leave behind a card with the number 666 on it. Why 666? Well, there are 665 swashbucklers whom I idolize, and I'm the 666th!
What's that look on your face, %s? You're impressed, aren't you?

Her Story (IV)

Fine. You're right about me being in a bind. You should feel honored, %s, to have the rare opportunity to listen to the troubles of a swashbuckler in person!
You see, even though I did receive some jobs, they were ones that the older mercenary girls in Umbraton didn't want. Most of them weren't even jobs; they were just simple errands or chores. I wanted to be able to take on a real job by myself and not live in their shadow. Areia was the one who led me to take the first step towards that goal.
Under her tutelage, I was able to obtain the very first weapon tailored to my strength: my modified baseball bat named Coolster. She also taught me how to better control my power with it. From that point on, I decided that I would go down my own path of swashbuckling, the Sadie Way.
But what exactly is the Sadie Way? Gee... I really hate thinking about complicated things like that. If only the search for my swashbuckling style was as simple as finding my own fashion style.