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Tomori Kusunoki

Tap on the Colossus Room

An excellent system with equal learning opportunities. I'm very lucky to have been adopted by the Illumina!

My experience in Lumopolis has taught me much. Only if you'd been there!

Splendor Illumina!

Everyone has a reason to take up arms... and I as well.

Though Charon seems like a loose thread, he does have many good qualities, such as... err, let me get back to you on that.

Although she's quite a headache herself, but her research will... well, make your head hurt even more.

Lullabies and piano keys... These are all very sophisticated, aren't they?

I hate failures, especially when... I could almost taste my success but ultimately failed because of naivety.

The Colossus may seem like a tool or weapon to most, but I feel it's more like a friend, right?

Interact with the Colossus Room

Whoa! God! What is this, a game of heart attack?

Change Assistant

Just leave them to me. I'll handle everything! It'd be great if you could help me out, though!

Battle Failed

Let's retreat first... Live to fight another day.


Ha! Never had a doubt!

Unleash Chain Combos

Target tracking!

Never lost!

Active Skill is Ready

Ready and long have been ready!

Enter the Formation

I will try harder!

Aurorian Ascension I

Is an unknown fate awaiting me up ahead?

Aurorian Ascension II

The greatest blessing and bliss really are here.

Aurorian Ascension III

Forward! To the mysterious future!


How many things are left on the agenda? Just keep it up a bit more... You should take a break. You deserve it.

Upgrade Successful

I can be stronger!

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars!

I look forward to working with you in the coming year!

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

Unfortunately, the Colossus doesn't come with a manual, so hands-on is the only way! Hm? That actually sounds right, since... since... Wait. Just give me a sec.

Being able to activate the Colossus together means that we're meant to be... so there's no reason to keep holding a grudge over damaging the Colossus... right?

Today's combat plans are... Hmm? Too loud? Sorry... I figured the louder, the better... Guess not, huh?

I will no longer look down upon myself because I have solved the mystery and found my worth. I will not let the past repeat itself again...

My growing strength will bring me victories... Even if I have nightmares I can't get rid of, they shall not stop me from becoming stronger!

I shall forever keep my faith, which will shine valiantly like aurora in the night!

Why weren't you able to activate the Colossus? Generally speaking, finding the right way solves everything... So, I'm... the right way?

I had to always be on full alert back when I ran solo quests, but now I finally have a partner! One that doesn't cost me a penny! Oh... how about something for your service then?

I guess I wanted to know more about the two of you because we've had each other's backs for a bit. I truly wish you two the best!

Need help? Let me help you out! I've memorized the entire "Emergency Response Protocol," after all!

Motion sickness from flying? No worries! Just take a nap. I had the same problem when I first got on the Colossus.

Someone had shone a light upon my world, adding something that is indestructible.

I look forward to working with you in the coming year!

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

Welcome back! Good job! So... I'll take a break and take the later shift.

You awake? I've completed the scheduled communication. Let's discuss about today's schedule!

Another thing, the report on the Colossus is almost ready... possibly ahead of schedule...

I didn't think you'd overtime until this hour... You really are very dedicated!

Spring Festival Voice

I look forward to working with you in the coming year!

Obtain an Aurorian

I'm Vice! You do remember me, right? Oh... great! For a moment there, I was worried that I make absolutely no impression on anybody!

Receiving a gift

A present for me? What's the occasion?

Thanks! I don't dislike it. Really!

Receiving a preferred gift

To build rapport? I see!

You better look forward to my present for you!

Release Active Skill

I'll hold nothing back!

Time for the meaningless battle to end!


Want a manual to go with that?

Aurorian Trivia I

I once wanted to be a shining beacon of hope, until that dream shattered... It's okay. I don't plan on giving up even if I lose my talents and gifts.

Aurorian Trivia II

Fate may be cruel, but it is never without hope. I mean, you are here for me now, aren't you? You can always take me as your hope too if you don't mind...

Aurorian Trivia III

Have you ever thought about what will happen to the world when all the secrets regarding us, the Eclipsites, and the entire sky have been revealed? Would you still be able to... keep your faith?

The Captain's Entrance

Take lead? Sure! Truly!