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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Double Chainer with a strong in-element synergies.



(S+ at BT2)


+Double chaining offers the highest possible damage output in the game in scenarios that require burst

+Best Chain Combo of the five-star double chainers, and strong synergies in-element


-Double chaining uses a reduced ATK stat, which means it scales worse than you might anticipate.

-Extremely dupe reliant to compete with meta DPS units


Hydrad is Water's 5* "Double Chainer." Double Chainers are support Aurorians whose Active Skills allow their teammates to use their Chain Combo twice in the same turn. Generally speaking, Double Chainers occupy a specific niche, similar to healers. In the right situations, they're absolutely necessary for OTK teams, but otherwise, they're a wasted team slot. Double Chainers are the most Breakthrough hungry 5*s in the game after Cross Converters; at BT2 and onwards, their individual damage is high enough to be run as a secondary DPS, which makes team-building more flexible.

Overall, Hydrad is likely the second best double chainer (after Florine) because of how he interacts with the best DPS units in Water (Azure, Bethel, and Fleur). On top of doubling their Chain cast, they'll also receive double the benefits of their actives when buffed by Hydrad. Further, Hydrad does not have nearly the same competition for a team slot as his fellow 5*s.

This gives Hydrad significantly more importance among the 5* double chainers, and makes him a great investment once you've cleared the main game.