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His Experiences

Hydrad is a dangerous guy. I get chills down my spine just watching him sitting over there. Since even someone who likes the cold like Pengy isn't willing to approach him, it's safe to say that the chilliness he is emanating is a gloomy aura instead of an ordinary cold feeling.
Like his aura would suggest, Hydrad is like a shadow. He doesn't like to talk. Instead, he just sits in the corner and watches everyone else. To be honest with you, when I think of his lifeless eyes watching me on the ship, I start to tremble.
But we need Hydrad, not only because his shadow magic is powerful and useful, but also because of his calmness, intelligence, and judgment. Coincidentally he was also interested in this place—to be precise, he was interested in the people who appeared here. I think you can see this from how the Shadow Wolf beside him acts... However, even though he is able to tolerate our gaze right now, you might want to look away now that he's seen you staring.

His Story (I)

The only thing I'll never get sick of is this sport called a raid.
Don't worry, I won't do anything to your Colossus because... Forget it, I'm not interested in the loot. That's what the other robbers of Umbraton are interested in—what I want is the battle in between, and that's why I'm here. All sorts of interesting people are here, bringing many interesting missions with them.
Shadows don't have a heartbeat. When I became aware of this, I realized that I had been immersed in this magic for so long that I could barely feel my own heartbeat. Only interesting missions and exciting sports make me feel like I'm not a shadow. Because of that, I joined that gang in Umbraton because I would get plenty of opportunities to play my, ahem, sport. However, Umbraton is too small; the Colossus, on the other hand, is huge, allowing me to access the entire continent...
Hah, so there will be plenty of sports to take part in in the future.

His Story (II)

Parents... are not that important, because they disappear once they abandon you.
My parents didn't seem to like me even though they brought me into this world. When I was very young, my mother let me crawl everywhere on the street by myself... She wasn't worried in the slightest that I would be hit by a galloping carriage. Maybe she was even hoping this would happen so she could swindle money from her poor victim. My father always wanted to sell me, and it was just that he wasn't able to find a good buyer—he admitted this himself. He could even leave and have someone replace him. I was like a dog that stayed beside them, begging for food every so often. I would take whatever I could get, and would even sleep with my eyes half open.
In the end, they got sick of me. On a cloudy day as a cold gale was blowing through the border, they offered me a hot drink—something they rarely did. That was the last cup of sweet water I ever tasted. While I was drinking that cup of sweet water, they walked into a carriage, closed the door, and left for Lumopolis.
I was free after that, though no one fed me anymore, Still, I have my companion, that black dog.

His Story (III)

I rescued that black dog when I was still a dog. We were both dogs, so I thought we might be able to understand each other. I realized after I saved him though, that we are actually different. He is a black wolf.
He saved me several times. We joined the gang in Umbraton by accident, but I was able to live a decent life there because of his help. I even gained my Shadow Wolf abilities because of him... I don't get it, but he seems to have some complex feelings about the Eclipsites.
Want to know where he's gone now?
Didn't you see those Shadow Wolves just now?

His Story (IV)

I returned to Umbraton after the war and hung out with various gangs. I actually didn't really care where I was as long as I wasn't bothered. I grew up in Umbraton, anyway, so it was fine with me...
But I went to Lumopolis by chance with a certain gang one time and saw those two. I had thought they would live a better life after abandoning me, but there was the woman, kissing up to someone who obviously served a noble. Maybe they think currying favors from servants in Lumopolis is better than struggling to make a living here.
I'd rather just call her a woman. You're not expecting me to call her "Mother", are you?