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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Detonator with some interesting crowd-control synergies.




+Excellent active ability - pushes are significantly better than pulls because you can use them to push dangerous bosses away on certain stages (think Solmorph)

+Active is low CD, making him perfect for Tessa comps


-Equipment is less useful than it appears, given that you're already dodging damage via his push


Pittman has two primary functions: push dangerous things away from you, and simp for Tessa. It turns out both of these functions are actually really great! Tessa comps will be an argument for nerds smarter than me to argue for time immemorial, and knockback can actually be a lifesafer on certain Spire floors bosses. The rest of the kit is decent, but that's more than enough to make him a fun unit if you obtained him from his event stages.