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His Experiences

Mr. Wayne Pittman of Lumopolis... I heard this name when I was studying abroad—they all said he was a complicated man to get to know.
When I first saw Pittman aboard the Colossus... How should I say this—he really lived up to my expectations of everything the Lumo Hall of Justice stands for. He looked dignified, stoic, often wearing a frown and radiating an unapproachable aura.
Pittman's left arm looked very special and seemed to have been modified in some way. When I cautiously asked him about it, I didn't expect to receive the detailed answer he gave me. He talked at length about how the sun and Lumopolis blessed his arm and his reasons for becoming a judge. As he told me about all this, I couldn't detect even a trace of that domineering attitude most nobles of his standing speak with. On the contrary, he was kind and calm, even to the point of making me feel a little uncomfortable.
Basically, I can safely say that Pittman is a nice man—a devout believer whose faith carries him boldly down his chosen path.

His Story (I)

Are you looking at my arm? The truth is, I wasn't as strong as I am now. Although you can't see it now, my right arm was broken when I was very young, and I almost missed my opportunity to enter the Dawn Academy. At that time, all I could do was lie in bed all day. Fortunately, being in Lumopolis, I was equally illuminated by the blessings of the sun. The light guided me every day, imbuing me with its healing faith. The sun treats everyone equally, and as long as you firmly believe in its light, the sun will always bless you with its protection. It is such an equal and just entity, and I endeavored to emulate its greatness in kind. Since then, I have strived to align myself with its magnanimity in all things. And I believe that I am now approaching the culmination of its will.
Of course, before officially becoming a judge, I also experienced my fair share of trials. If I have the opportunity, I'd be willing to recount them to you.

His Story (II)

I was destined to follow the path of a judge—one who champions justice. Of course, this was also the result of my parents' expectations. As my frailty delayed my admission, when I finally entered Dawn Academy, Chief Judge Irridon had already been instated as my senior.
To tell the truth, when I was a student, I worked tirelessly to make the Chief Judge see my potential... No, it would be more accurate to say I saw her as my main competitor. It was really quite childish, I know. The Chief Judge has always displayed such excellent talent worthy of her position. Whether as a senior of Dawn Academy or the head of the Hall of Justice, whenever I was in her presence, I found myself humbled by her overwhelming majesty. During the war, when I was still recuperating at home under my father's restrictive guardianship, she fought on the battlefield with her father. As a result of a grievous injury, her legs were left permanently disabled...
There are many other stories from that war, but let's save them for another day.

His Story (III)

When I first became a Hall of Justice trial court investigator, my first assignment was in Umbraton. As a result of the Pyrrhus rebellion, our team was faced with a series of incidents, such as blood crystal outbreak, Eclipsites surges, Eclipse ambushes—the list goes on. My teammates suffered heavy casualties, and I was forced to return to Lumopolis to recuperate.
Therefore, the year the Eclipsites besieged Umbraton, my father firmly opposed my wishes to join him in the support effort on the front line, and I never saw him again. It was not until my father's comrades sent me the Staff of Raging Thunder, a relic left to me by my father, that I made up my mind to complete my father's mission.
Life in the army tempered my will and strengthened my body. My left arm is proof of my glory. In the final battle before the end of the war, the Staff of Raging Thunder ended up being thrust into my left shoulder, pinning me to the ground... With the last of my strength, I pulled it out and finally unleashed its hidden power.
I wouldn't say that the Staff of Raging Thunder destroyed my left arm—on the contrary, without it, I might have died on the front line. Illumina constructed a system of mechanical bones for my arm. As you can see, it now works flawlessly.

His Story (IV)

After returning to Lumopolis from the front line, I finally became a judge, and this position took on a new meaning for me. By reading the past records of the Hall of Justice, I came across something strange regarding the story behind the Pyrrhus rebellion. The chief culprit behind the unrest was, in fact, Mirren of the Gautier family.
But what caused Mirren Gautier to descend into madness, and why did the Eclipse suddenly appear in Umbraton...? I then came across a familiar name in the investigation report: Paloma Pyrrhus.
I once helped Paloma, a girl who was constantly bullied by the upper-class nobles of Dawn Academy. We accepted the blessings of the sun together and vowed to be citizens of Lumopolis forever... She would later become a member of the True Order. I will never forgive those heretics who falsely use their so-called truth to justify their actions, nor can I forgive traitors who betray Lumopolis.
At present, the reasons behind this series of anomalies in the records are still inconclusive. White Night up high, in the name of justice, I will never stop investigating the truth.