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Her Experiences

When I first met Lola on the Colossus, she was holding a jar of honey in her left hand and carrying a bag of honey-flavored cake in her right hand. Yet she still asked me, with a smile, which room on the Colossus she could find more honey... I guess it's because all cute girls love sweets? After spending more time together, I found out that we both use the same weapon: Bow and Arrows! But Lola's bow is the epitome of a Northland-style weapon. Her attacks are filled with the fury of nature. Truly worthy of the mystical Northland. However, whenever the Navigator and I asked Lola about Northern customs, her answer was always something like "wild roses of pure white," "cute cake stores," "pretty dresses"... Wow, I feel like it's been a long time since I have seen such a carefree person!
- Vice

Her Story (I)

Stranger? Are you here to play with me? Hehe, Lola is pleased. Here, I'll give you the sweetest honey ever, the most beautiful wild roses, and freshly baked cakes! All yours! I made these cakes with Northland honey, so it must be the most delicious honey cake in the world! Huh? Oh, is it time to start talking about my past? Okay, then let's sit on the bed, and I'll tell you all about it. I was born in a small town near the Pine Frost Valley, and when I was first born, my birthmark worried my mom and dad. They always thought that I would be teased by other kids, which would make me have low self-esteem, and that no one would play with me, so on and so forth. But it wasn't like that at all! My playmates and I would play hide-and-seek and sew clothes together! Ah, that's because my mom and dad actually own a tailor shop in town. At that time, I thought it would be nice to be a tailor when I grew up because then I could make lots and lots of pretty dresses.
So why didn't I become a tailor later? Yawn... That's because... something that... happened later... My bed... is so... fluffy... Zzz...

Her Story (II)

I'm awake, I'm awake! Sorry, where was I? Ah, why I didn't become a tailor, right! Well, that's because I met Her Majesty! No, no! It's not like Her Majesty forbid me from becoming a tailor. Just listen to me first. I've loved honey cakes since I was a child, and as I ate more of them, I became more curious about how this delicacy was made. So I used to often sneak into the cake store to learn their secrets. But the uncle and aunty in the store were very nice to me! They kindly taught me how to make the honey cake and even revealed the secret source of its honey. It turns out that this delicious honey was bought from a beekeeper in the Windward Forest. At that time, I was really curious and wanted to see that place for myself! So I—that's right, you've guessed it. So I took the map and set off!

Her Story (III)

But I didn't manage to find the beekeeper back then. Instead, I saw a vast field of wild roses... I've never seen so many roses at once! Yeah! They were breathtaking. And in this charming place, before I knew it, I... Wow, you're really smart, stranger! You've got it again! Hehe, I played and played in the flower field and eventually fell asleep. During the time I was sleeping, my birthmark gradually changed from a shallow mark into what it is now. But at the time, my mom and dad worried so much, because no matter what they did, they couldn't wake me up when I was in the flower field. So they rushed to bring me to the Winter Palace to seek help from Her Majesty. Her Majesty gently touched this flower vine-like mark on me, and then a wondrous thing happened—Boom!! Hehe, scared you, didn't I?

Her Story (IV)

It turned out that this birthmark could absorb and release Lumina, but I hadn't learned to control the energy in my body at the time, which is why I fell into a deep sleep. It was Her Majesty that woke me up with Luminatics. She gently touched the mark, and I felt this wonderful energy swirling through my veins... As if these globs of energy inside me had suddenly awakened! When I woke up, Her Majesty told me that I had the same incredible ability as her. But this meant that I had to learn how to control it. Because if I don't, I would be devoured by the energy. Her Majesty has taught me very carefully for quite a period, and I was well learned and soon back home! Hey, stop laughing. I worked hard! After returning home, I report to Her Majesty what I have seen and heard in my hometown every year. Also, I will visit the Cedar Market and participate in Lake Mirror Codeword events and stuff... Speaking of which, I'm looking forward to my next visit to the Cedar Market!