Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
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Nozomi Yamamoto

Tap on the Colossus Room

Northland's got the best honey in the whole world, bar none!

I heard the merchants in Umbraton would make money without regard for their life. Is that true?

For the North, of course!

If I see an Eclipsite, I'll aim and shoot, no questions asked!

The Queen is very gentle. She saved my life and taught me Luminatics.

Miss Narcissus might seem quiet, but her Lake Mirror Codeword event is always lively!

Hmm, I smell honey cakes fresh out of the oven!

I won't leave the house without a pretty dress on.

The Colossus can fly far, far away in a "swoosh", right? Awesome!

Interact with the Colossus Room

I can watch this all day!

Change Assistant

Wonderful, I haven't been here before! I'm free to look around, right? Right?

Battle Failed

The honey cakes are ruined...


Heehee, time for a nice long nap!

Unleash Chain Combos


Stop running!

Active Skill is Ready

Yup, got a full sleep!

Enter the Formation

It's never wrong to pick me!

Aurorian Ascension I

Hmm, my appetite's back.

Aurorian Ascension II

I can go even farther!

Aurorian Ascension III

I can better defend Northland now!


Are you daydreaming, stranger? How about singing this song with me? Ahem... La la la, la la la...!

Upgrade Successful

I sure slept well!

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars!

The new year is here, be happy!

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

Hee, like the mark on my neck? Careful not to touch it, though, or you'll get struck by lightning! Hahaha, did you really fall for that?

Lu la la, lu la... Heehee, you like my singing? You got to eat sweets to have a sweet voice, of course!

Being chubby is fine. I don't see any problem with that. I'm chubby too, but I feel happy every day.

You still have to live, happy or not, so why torture yourself being unhappy? Isn't that right, stranger?

Stranger, why can't you use Luminatics? And why are you able to command others? Please... tell me! My head's going to explode wondering about it.

It's a cruel fact of life, you got to cut down on sleep and playtime when you're grown up. However, that means more sweets as well!

You got good taste, stranger! I like the red dress I'm wearing, myself!

Shh, let me tell you a secret... I eat when I'm asleep. What do I eat? Heehee, that's another secret!

I made a honey cake full of love just for you, stranger! Voila! Wait, it's gone... Did I eat it?

Most of the Northland is very cold, so how can you ward off the chill without sweets?

Don't take me for a random sweet. I'm responsible for protecting my homeland too!

Wow! I broke my "Longest Time Without Sleep" record because I was too excited!

The new year is here, be happy!

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

Don't let the conventional three-meals-a-day thinking bog you down. Look at me! I can eat many meals a day!

What's that smell? Don't think you can get me out of bed with yummy munchies...! Well, fine, you succeeded.

Did you hear that? My soft, cozy bed is calling out to me!

Why are you still up? Get some sleep, or you'll... stop growing.

Spring Festival Voice

The new year is here, be happy!

Obtain an Aurorian

Hello, stranger. Do you want to visit Northland? I can guide you there! Just call me Lola!

Receiving a gift

Wow, is this for me?

Is it... honey donburi?

Receiving a preferred gift

Heehee, my favorite!

Sniffle... You know me the best...

Release Active Skill

Awake, slumbering magic!

Bloom, wild white roses!


When's my turn?

Aurorian Trivia I

Supposedly, I have had an extraordinary knack for sleeping since childhood... Stop laughing! My parents said it's a blessing to be able to eat and sleep with ease!

Aurorian Trivia II

I took the trail to the forest alone to find the sweet honey. In the woods, I found a bush of snow-white wild roses.

Aurorian Trivia III

Every New Year, I'd visit Her Majesty in the Winter Palace with my hometown specialty... No, it's not because I like to wander!

The Captain's Entrance

Hee, you got good taste!