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Their Experiences

Momo and Anzu are twins who can cook really well! Huh? Can't tell which one is which? That's understandable. I used to call them by the wrong names too when they first came to the Colossus...
Momo is the one with bangs who has two big kitchen knives and a small gourd on her back. Anzu has long bangs that cover her eyes and is always carrying recipes and a brush in her bag. It's okay if you can't tell them apart now—it took me a while to remember as well. They're very nice people, and once we got to know each other a bit, they started asking questions like where do Aurorians tend to gather and what places are most airy.
It wasn't until I saw them huffing and puffing while pulling their ramen cart to the Colossus that I understood why they were asking those questions in the first place... Still, the Colossus welcomes those who are good at cooking!

Their Story (I)

Why we're called Momo and Anzu?
We're named after the apricot and the peach, two delicious fruits!
Hey, I'm doing the introductions here, Anzu! Stop interrupting! Ahem. Let's start from the beginning.
We were born on Cloud Island. Our honored guest probably knows this, right? No, we don't have some tragic backstory! We just wanted to search for more good food... So we went off on a hunt for the world's best cuisines!
Which place has the best food? Well... What can I say? Lumopolis does have good food, but the process of eating a meal is too complicated... Knife, fork, cutlery, plating... I'd starve before I could even get to the food! Forget food from the Illumina Federation. Canned food, sawdust buns and all that... Not great memories. As for Umbraton, it does have everything, but it's too expensive. The Rediesel Desert does have some nice specialties, and come of our dishes are based on their Sandworm skewer platter...

Their Story (II)

Later, we returned to Cloud Island! See that big cookbook in Anzu's bag? It's full of secret recipes and information on special ingredients that people rarely know about! Let you see? Nuh-uh. The secret to our success as a business lies within those pages, heheh.
It's not easy to do business on Cloud Island. We've developed 18 meat bun flavors and 24 ramen flavors, but the most popular one is, of course, our signature Kaniya Ramen! The noodles are hand-made from the finest grains, with flours sifted through layers of the clearest mountain spring water, combining the sweetness of the spring water with the dry fragrance of the grains. It is then kneaded with the precision of a highly trained warrior to produce a dough that is al dente yet elastic. The dough is left to rise for a while before we start making our fragrant toppings. Hmm? The soup? It's of course the perpetual soup that has been simmering for years... Oops! No, I can't say more!

Their Story (III)

My cookbook contains tips about food, and also reviews from customers. Hey, it's not Momo talking, it's me, Anzu!
Okay, I can tell you what our customers said about us. This entry goes, "Man with strange headdress who looks stern: Delicious." Yep, a simple but solid affirmation. And this one, "Giddy girl who always requests takeaway: I ordered from here many times! Their food is really good!" Oh, this one is interesting too. "Strange creature that didn't say a word but drank all the soup."
What do you think? Wanna try our ramen? You'll have to wait till next time, because we're all sold out! Reeling you in and letting loose is also a necessary tool in business!

Their Story (IV)

That part-time worker, huh? She was pushed on us by a returning customer. She seems to have a very sad past. It was said we were the only ones who could take her in, and so we did.
She really drove us crazy when she first arrived! She would scare the customers away when cleaning up the tables, and she would be too scared to speak when they asked her to recommend dishes... We had no choice but to move her from the front to the back, in the kitchens. Good thing she's not bad at washing dishes, although she does sneak out to play that stalking game.
Kindness? How is this considered kindness? Isn't this what a boss is supposed to do? It's just an extra pair of chopsticks. Besides, part-timers are much more obedient than my sister Momo... Hey, hey! Don't hit me! I'm your older sister! Duh, I'm older! My feet came out first at birth! Even if you're a little taller than me you can't deny that my feet came out first... Ow! It hurts!