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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Detonator with strong off-turns via empowered Normals.




+Normal attacks hit like a truck, even on off-turns

+Solid Active nuke(s)

+Unreliant on BTs


-Column Chains have terrible modifiers for 2x2 enemies


Fox is probably the most overlooked unit from the P5R collab. At first glance, his unassuming base stats and awkward chain-combo suggest that he's a mediocre 5-star, but in practice, thanks to his strong Equipment and Active Skill, his damage output ends up being much higher than one might expect.

The ability to frontload damage on his first normal attack also makes him excellent as a budget captain; as a point of reference, the rival five star Corax takes three normals to match Fox's first, and his overall DPR is better than BT0 Sharona.

There’s not much more to say here, but it’s worth noting that this makes him the first five-star DPS in Water that we feel belongs in S tier.