Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
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His Experiences

He's tall and gracefully slender.
Every twinkle and smile of his is beautiful.
The way he puts his sword back into its sheath is a delight for the eye.
He shows a great interest in sculptures of this world.
Nothing but his eagle-sharp eyes peek out from behind his mask.
Hmm... I suddenly remember something.
He carries the same aura as
those famous artists I learned about in art classes during my studies in Lumopolis...

His Story (I)

Code name Fox.
Though he keeps reminding everyone that he's not the Royal Fox...

His Story (II)

Fox wants to become a painter.
He likes framing the air with his hands.

His Story (III)

Once, someone randomly asked Fox how he deals with remaining soup after cooking,
and he replied without hesitation that he uses it to make porridge with "extra wild parsley."

His Story (IV)

Fox once told the story of how a respected teacher of his
was how he came to join the Phantom Thieves.
I can't forget the sad expression on his face from then.