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Ayaka Atsuchi

Tap on the Colossus Room

With just two people, Raven's Blood managed to carve out their own turf in Euphoria. Pretty impressive, huh?

That Corax guy from Umbraton seems pretty dependable. I guess there might be some merit to that place, after all.

Think twice before provoking the wrath of Raven's Blood.

Eh, these things are not much different from the targets at an amusement park's shooting booth.

We stopped needing words to describe our relationship a long time ago. All that needs saying is that I'll always stand by her side.

He may not admit it, but it's clear to me that he's done a lot for us. Just don't tell him I said so!

If you really trust me this much, then... I don't need any payment from you.

Cumbersome tasks... I do them when asked, but not because I want to.

For something as big as this Colossus to fly through the sky so freely... I can't say I'm not jealous.

Interact with the Colossus Room

Looks like Lady Luck has her eyes on me today.

Change Assistant

I just have to keep you safe, right? Don't worry, protecting others is my specialty! Hmm? Have I misunderstood something?

Battle Failed

Lady Luck's on vacation...


Just as I expected.

Unleash Chain Combos

A perfect shot.

Knock 'em all down!

Active Skill is Ready

Best position secured.

Enter the Formation

You... want me to work in a team?

Aurorian Ascension I

Told you my skills were the real deal.

Aurorian Ascension II

Let's talk about a raise, huh?

Aurorian Ascension III

Victory is assured.


This kind of peace can make a person lazy, and laziness leads to complacency, which makes one weak. Rest assured, that'll never happen to me.

Upgrade Successful

Mm, this feels great.

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars.

Happy New Year. Looks like we made it safely through another year.

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

To be honest, I feel at ease living in Euphoria because there's no need to pay any mind to anything except survival.

Oh, you don't need to be wary of me. I only pull something like that with Nekoyashiki. Besides, my aim is flawless.

Fighting is for keeping the people and places you love from being taken from you.

Drawing your gun too slowly is equivalent to handing your life over to the enemy. Trust me, I'll never let that happen.

This work has really improved my skills as a mercenary, so thanks for that. Looks like Lady Luck hasn't given up on me yet.

No matter what kind of life I lead in the future, I'll never forget the feeling of battle—the feeling of being alive.

I have full confidence in my luck, since I always get to see you around.

You can... sense my trust in you? Fantastic.

A chocolate bar... for me? You DO remember that I swore off that stuff, right? Thanks, anyway!

Losing my right leg hasn't been all bad, you know? At least now, every step I take is completely thought out.

Pollux? I don't need to keep a constant watch over her. Our hearts are connected, so we know what's happening to one another better than anyone else.

I feel like I can do anything whenever I'm with you. Is this what it feels like to be trusted?

Happy New Year. Looks like we made it safely through another year.

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

Have you eaten yet? I have to keep my blood sugar high before battle, or else it could mean trouble.

I've gotten so used to cloudy skies. Will I finally have a chance to see the sun, too?

I'm not bothering you, am I? Sorry, I'm still breaking in this new prosthetic leg.

Don't worry, I'm still here. I'll remain in your view until the morning comes.

Spring Festival Voice

Happy New Year. Looks like we made it safely through another year.

Obtain an Aurorian

I'm no professional, but you won't be disappointed with my skills. First things first though: You better pay me for my skills' worth.

Receiving a gift

Is this my bonus? Thanks.

Did Lady Luck tell you this was my favorite?

Receiving a preferred gift

The kids will love this. Thank you.

This makes me anticipate your next gift very much. No pressure, of course.

Release Active Skill

This blade's not just for show.

I hate moving targets.


Awaiting your orders.

Aurorian Trivia I

Pollux has been more to me than a friend or family member for a long time. I've never had any desire to be a hero, but I would do anything to protect her... even become a villain.

Aurorian Trivia II

At first, I didn't realize just how lucky I was. But that might not have been such a bad thing. Once you start relying on this kind of good fortune, you find out quickly that it's always accompanied by misfortune in equal measure.

Aurorian Trivia III

They say it's easy for people to get addicted to the bitterness of hardship, and I'm no different. A life of strife suits me just fine. Oh, but as for cigarettes, Pollux and I swore off that stuff long ago.

The Captain's Entrance

Let's improvise and adapt.