Tap on the Colossus Room
The nobles embody justice, Lumopolis dominates the world.
What? Other factions exist in this world besides the nobles?
White Night up high!
A thousand baths could not cleanse the stink of an Eclipsite.
I would not say that Irridon is a good friend, but she's one of the few people worthy of my respect.
Pittman is enthusiastic, has a strong sense of justice, and is of great use to me.
Even the most ordinary objects become more attractive when decorated with green gems.
Ugh, filthy. Disinfect this thing!
This is a wonderful place. In order to keep it that way, I hereby forbid commoners to enter.
Interact with the Colossus Room
The Colossus is awesome. It would be better if only nobles lived in it.
Change Assistant
You just want to look at me all the time, huh? Tch, if you must. Go on, feast your eyes on my noble visage.
Battle Failed
I'm used to victory.
Unleash Chain Combos
I find you guilty!
Submit to the law!
Active Skill is Ready
The light has descended.
Enter the Formation
You may cheer.
Aurorian Ascension I
Gems sparkle.
Aurorian Ascension II
Yet more beautiful.
Aurorian Ascension III
I am the light!
We meet again, I'm overjoyed. ...What? Was my smile too fake?
Upgrade Successful
I am strong.
Voice Login
Alchemy Stars.
Surprisingly, the New Year celebrations make even you seem better-looking.
Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen
What in the world are you wearing? Forget it, I can't expect too much of you. Taste is a combination of nature and nurture, and it's clear you have neither.
I didn't pass my work on to Pittman out of laziness. It's because I can't abide those tiresome tasks. My time is better spent on study and reflection.
Of course I don't dislike commoners. Heheh... but I can't like everyone, can I? Liking everyone is the same as liking nobody.
Not even a royal would gain my approval if they were incompetent. I only like those with genuine ability. As long as they're not a commoner, naturally.
I love beautiful things. Everyone says beauty is less important than talent, but I'm lucky enough to have both.
I honestly believe that achieving success through hard work is the most glorious thing. How unfortunate it is that I can be successful even without hard work.
Bizarrely, I find myself thinking you have good taste. I must be coming down with something that's affecting my intelligence.
You've got too much work and you can't finish? Here, I'll show you what to do. Look deep inside yourself and ask: who can I dump this work on?
Who told you I wore girls' clothes as a kid? D-Don't you dare bring that up again! You really want to know? It was all because my mother... you know what I mean...
I can't say for sure if money can buy happiness. But I do have money and I am happy.
The road to success is a tough one, requiring step-by-step progress—for you, I mean. I'm taking a carriage.
Hey, I'm talking to you. You should feel honored. Reply, right now.
Surprisingly, the New Year celebrations make even you seem better-looking.
Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen
It's so hot! We nobles must never smell sweaty. I'm going to bathe.
Savoring the fragrance of early morning dewdrops is good for the mind. Not that you'd understand.
A true treasure would sparkle even in the dark. No wonder I can't see you at night.
How dare you be unable to sleep at the same time as me? I hate the idea of us having anything in common!
Spring Festival Voice
Surprisingly, the New Year celebrations make even you seem better-looking.
Obtain an Aurorian
I am Matthieu, the youngest judge in history. I have the finest taste and bottomless talent. Worship me if you wish, but do not expect we will become friends.
Receiving a gift
You call this a gift?
What exquisite taste.
Receiving a preferred gift
I underestimated you.
I will accept it.
Release Active Skill
Holy radiance!
Feel the crack of the whip!
Behold my family's glory.
Aurorian Trivia I
My family designs luxury clothing. Clothes make the man, they say, and the more ordinary a man, the more that is true. You're an example.
Aurorian Trivia II
That's right, I was the Dawn Academy's legendary child prodigy. I became a teacher's assistant at ten and became the youngest judge ever at fifteen. Feel free to cheer and clap.
Aurorian Trivia III
Work, well, there's nothing there that challenges me. The only annoying thing is that partner of mine...
The Captain's Entrance
I'm needed again?