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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Converter that creates dark tiles




+Preemptive conversion is vital

+Converts Dark Tiles, which can enable him to generate a bunch of blue tiles

+Synergizes very well with Sheol and Rebecca


-– Poor turn 1 performance compared to other preemptive converters
– Meme-tier equipment


Vergil is our 5 star “yellow-to-water” converter that can generate dark tiles. On the surface, he seems like a pure upgrade over someone like Kleken. However, due to his up-front tile generation being lower than Kleken’s, he can be painful to work around. But his potential is there, and he can potentially output more blue tiles than MBT Kleken (21 vs 20 throughout 10 turns when bursting on 2CD). Perhaps more importantly, he has amazing synergies with Rebecca and Sheol. He’s a strong unit definitely worth considering investing in.

Note: Most of the Preemptive 2-CD converters should be viewed as a staple for the purpose of the early- and mid-game, while endgame content favors multiple teams. Other converters often require BTs to get Pre-emptive and/or an acceptable CD.