Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
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Firefly Keeper

Firefly Keeper

When deployed to the Lumina Grid, the recovery rate of Fireflies +5% per hour.

Starlight Omniscience

Starlight Omniscience

When deployed to the Starlight Chamber, increases Heartstone production efficiency by 10%.

Group Talks

Zoya:Hey, you! Hold it right there!
Zoya:The sea in that mirror... Could it be...?
Nikinis:The Ocean?
Nikinis:You mean... Lake Mirror in Northland?
Zoya:Lake? No, that's no lake...
Zoya:That's a big, beautiful ocean, with a trail of jet-black snow on top...
Nikinis:I have no idea what you're talking about...
Nikinis:But that's Lake Mirror right there, and that black part is my sister's shadow.
Nikinis:We're always together, day and night.
Nikinis:Even if all of Northland melted, we could never be apart.
Zoya:I see...
Zoya:Then that ocean... Maybe I'm just seeing things because I'm so tired...