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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Detonator with decent random conversion.




+Their skill text is wrong, it's actually "converts inside active range" instead of "under enemies," which makes it far better, and a great piece of utility

+Good AoE on active with flexible targeting

+EQ offers extra max HP


-4 star stat line and no gimmicks to bring up their damage. Very sad damage in general


At first glance, players might be offput by Kuma and Pengy's low rarity, stats to match, and the fact that their skill only Converts enemy occupied tiles. In reality, though, their Active Skill converts two random tiles within skill range; which is substantially better than the written effect.

And while hindered by their low-rarity stats, they're capable of doing some heavy lifting in the early game. As a point of comparison: Robyn has the exact same active, but without the Conversion effect.

In essence, K&P trade a secondary element, higher stast, and a mediocre equipment for at least *some* utility. While these are still significant drawbacks, the fact that they're compared to Robyn (a higher rarity unit) means that you really shouldn't feel bad about using them in a pinch.