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Her Experiences

Today, Illumina informed us that Sharona, the commander of the 1st Legion, would be coming to our Colossus. We were all nervous even though she wasn't here for inspection.
Sharona showed her maturity and gracefulness immediately after arriving, which was reassuring or very admirable. She did speak like she was here for an inspection, though... Overall, I think it wasn't difficult to get along with her. Although she looked aloof and unapproachable, once we conversed, I discovered that she was quite straightforward. In a nutshell, she says whatever is on her mind. She directly told us that she wanted to use our resources to investigate matters about her family.
Some interesting rumors started spreading among us later. For some reason, someone suddenly heard a voice that sounded like Sharona said, "Keep running! Don't be lazy!"
I'm now a little curious about what had happened here...

Her Story (I)

Are you the person in charge of this Colossus? I am Sharona, the commander of the 1st Legion of Illumina. The Illumina has approved my transfer to the Colossus so that I can help you with the problems you might encounter. However, I need you to understand that this is my personal decision and not an official dispatch. I hope you will share the intel you obtained with me and also provide me with your assistance.
Besides fighting, I also formulate training and learning plans for my subordinates sometimes. If you need me to share my expertise in this area—whether you want to improve your combat power or the combat power of your companions—you can let me know any time. After all, we now face a common enemy—the Eclipsites. The most important thing to us right now should be to accumulate strength and improve our combat quality. Of course, I'm not saying that you should advocate martial force. I just personally believe that we'll be in a better position to overcome our destiny and future if we are more powerful.

Her Story (II)

There are many outstanding, talented people that I admire at Illumina. They are strong, confident, and full of vitality. When I first arrived at Illumina, I was touched and inspired by their tenacity, which I think is closely linked to Illumina's superb leadership style. In fact, since I joined Illumina and met the Grand Marshal, she has been the goal of my training. I think she indeed is the most suitable leader for Illumina.
Some people probably don't see me in a positive light, while I have quite a lot of criticism about certain people who blatantly use cruel and decadent relics of ancient times. We understand each other's views and opinions, but it does not hinder us from completing our respective tasks while getting along normally. After all, as long as we are fighting for the beliefs of Illumina, we will be able to coexist even if we think differently. I think this is quite good, especially when I compare this to the time I lived in Lumopolis. In fact, it's way better in comparison...

Her Story (III)

That was a nightmarish evening, and I always thought it was a dream. Not only did I meet my grandfather, who should have floated into the air with Lumopolis, but I also inherited my blade, Azure Flame, which is the symbol of my family. I learned from my grandfather that we are the dragon's bloodline that should already be extinct. Before I understood anything, I saw Lumopolis floating in the sky and the hellish scene before my eyes—the nobles of Uptown abandoning powerless citizens on a battlefield where the Eclipsites swarmed in...
This is a fact that I have no choice but to believe in even though I don't want to—everything that happened in the past was but an empty dream. This dream shattered as well, when Lumopolis floated into the sky. This also meant that my mission to become a knight of Lumopolis had ended.

Her Story (IV)

Are you referring to my dragon tail? I didn't have this before. If it weren't for the non-stop killing in that battle, I would never have known that my bloodline would awaken like this.
Even I'm afraid of this power, let alone you. After all... this power should already be extinct. It shouldn't exist in this world.
I hate everything in Lumopolis, as well as the Kartima Family of the past that once served Lumopolis. If I had awakened this power earlier, I would surely have given an awakening to those wicked people who killed those of the dragon's bloodline. My fearsome dragon breath should be used to incinerate the blood of sin!
Huh? Why are you hiding so far away? Sorry, I've forgotten myself again. Don't worry though, I'll still be your companion until that day arrives.