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Yui Ishikawa

Tap on the Colossus Room

When I was lost, Illumina showed me new beliefs that saved me from being devoured by my hatred.

My clan owes that floating city nothing. All that remains is disappointment and ineffable hatred.

Splendor Illumina!

Hate and annihilate the enemies is an indisputable fact of life.

She is brave and strong, she insists on her will while never being swayed by it. I am nowhere near her level.

I couldn't see "will" on her. I wonder what that lazy cat is thinking about?

Other than training... This is the emblem of my clan. It gives me strength.

I don't really care about tails. What I really detest is a corrupt system and brutal rule.

Do you stare at this Colossus sometimes? Just like how I often stare at my clan emblem.

Interact with the Colossus Room

I've seen your effort. Just rest for now.

Change Assistant

You've got quite a big appetite. I hope the same goes for your courage.

Battle Failed

You... I'll get you back one day...You're worthy of my revenge!


Fallen into the life of killing... but it feels unbelievably enjoyable.

Unleash Chain Combos

Dragon Breath!


Active Skill is Ready

Can I fight in my real form?

Enter the Formation

Raise your head!

Aurorian Ascension I

The lost bloodline of our clan is boiling!

Aurorian Ascension II

Flames of revenge have been ignited on my sword and in my eyes.

Aurorian Ascension III

The former castle of the fallen king will surely be forged into an iron coffin!


Danger strikes when we let down our guard. A giant dragon keeps one eye open even when it sleeps.

Upgrade Successful

My swordsmanship has become even more pure.

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars!

Congratulations! The New Year is here!

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

What do I fight for? I feed on the resentment of blood and fire, but I'm afraid that's not the answer you want.

My Azure Flame Sword feasts on the fear of my enemies, but that is not the case for my wings and dragon scales as evil can never touch them.

A dragon's wrath has many similarities to the fighting skills that Hiiro has mastered—they are eternal, deadly, and absolutely ruthless. However, it's still far from matching the Grand Marshal...

I will judge the ancient king and that unclean residue! You better not have anything to do with them!

A dragon's heart is filled with quenched killing intent. Don't ask me why I show no mercy, for that is the epitaph of the weak.

Light and shadows forge the two sides of a true dragon, which, whether dead or alive, roars magnificently! The blood of revenge has risen—

Yes, something other than revenge still flows in my blood. Thank you for letting me realize that. The last person who achieved this was the Grand Marshal.

I know how Nemesis and Gronru think of me, but... at least I don't want you to think the same.

You brought hope to this weary heart, and now I want to do the same for you. You can do this! My compatriot!!

Whatever it is, make it short. I got public affairs to tend to and don't have much time.

Have you forgotten how to greet others? Stop shaking and stand still!

Do you want to improve yourself? Very good, I will design a training plan for you. Come to my room at 6 in the morning tomorrow!

Congratulations! The New Year is here!

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

You're here, just in time. Let's do something together. We'll leave once we plan and decide when to attack.

Very good, you should cherish your training time. There's no time to lose, let's start right now.

Keep your spirits up! This isn't the time to relax yet!

You'll need enough rest to become stronger. Go sleep while I stand guard here.

Spring Festival Voice

Congratulations! The New Year is here!

Obtain an Aurorian

Have you never seen an Aurorian as beautiful as me? Fine, I won't blame you as there are indeed few of us, even in the past. Sharona, at your service.

Receiving a gift

This... Okay, thank you anyway.

Thank you for going out of your way for me again.

Receiving a preferred gift

Very thoughtful and admirable! Thank you!! My compatriot!!

My compatriot, I'll cherish this friendship forever!

Release Active Skill

The dragon has sentenced you to death!

Crush in light and shadows—


I can't hold back any longer...

Aurorian Trivia I

If my clan returns, everything you see now will become brittle and not worth mentioning. That's only an assumption though. The past cannot be changed...

Aurorian Trivia II

The dragon family is a testimony to an era of sin and cruelty, but White Night's history refuses to acknowledge this. I don't know where I would have ended up if I didn't encounter Illumina and the Grand Marshal...

Aurorian Trivia III

They said that dragon fire would destroy everything, including our memories and history. How interesting. Just like how ants are afraid of sparks, these sinners have such an unexpected and inspired awareness of matters?

The Captain's Entrance

Those who object should do so now.