Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
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Reina Ueda

Outfit Voice:

Tap on the Colossus Room

Under the shadow of Azurite, Umbraton is a blend of order and chaos... The exact reason it is all-inclusive.

- Boring. - No fun. - All fakes. - Hmm...

The shadow is watching...

Those... scary things... I don't ever wanna see them again. Not ever...

Dayna can't take bitter coffee... but she still orders it every time. I always sneak in some cream for her.

Warm milk plus three sugar cubes... This one is for Robyn. She's always quiet like a kitten.

- The chocolate desserts in the fridge always seem to quietly vanish for no reason. Why is that? - Nom, nom, nom. It is so yummy.

- A long long time ago, there was a cafe... - Yelp! - Huh? I'm not even telling a ghost story!

It's so big... It can actually fit quite a few Holiday Cafes and... so many people...

Interact with the Colossus Room

I'm sorry... Anton didn't mean it... I didn't mean it either...

Change Assistant

E-everyone said I'm suited to do this. Is that true? Why does it feel like more eyes are now on me...

Battle Failed

I'm sorry... so should I just go back and stay in a corner...


Did we really win? I can't believe it...

Unleash Chain Combos

So scary...

Together with family...

Active Skill is Ready

I... I heard them!

Enter the Formation

Anton, we've gotta go for it...

Aurorian Ascension I

You actually trust me that much...

Aurorian Ascension II

Haunted? No, it couldn't be, I'm the one who summoned it!

Aurorian Ascension III

Suffering and grief will eventually... be relieved by music.


It's kind of a weird tone... Not that it brings up bad feelings or anything. Rather, it's reassuring. It won't send people to the hospital again, will it? Here we go.

Upgrade Successful

I obviously had no intention to become stronger...

Voice Login

Al-Alchemy Stars.

Happy New Year...

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

Oh... Will I be able to work up the courage to say hi to people? Hey, not really saying hi! Please stop tapping me!!

Is there any dark corner where I can stay with myself on the Colossus... I don't want to be found by anyone. I haven't completed that stuff yet...

I do mind here... What? Oh, I'm... I'm sorry! I was just wandering around...

Everyone gets scared... If I get to shake my fear someday, I may be able to learn about Anton's secrets...

I'm hearing it again, Anton's whisper! Woah! why are you leaning so close to me? I didn't mean to summon you...

- Connolly. - Poor, fragile Connolly. Don't be afraid. Do you hear us? - Listen to our voices. We'll keep you company. - Such... tender darkness. I'm no longer alone...

You... you asked me... who... I was talking to just now? But... they... they're right here...

Well... Anton likes it very much, too... Looks like you're trustworthy...

I always think... that if I'm with you, I won't ever feel scared again no matter where I go. So... could... could you come closer?

I received... help from that person... So were Dayna, Robyn, and Hydrad...

Anton's special skill... is putting people to sleep. I'm suddenly feeling really sleepy...

It's... too bright. It's blinding... No, oh no, I've got to return to the corner...

Happy New Year...

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

Hey! You... You're back?! Nothing, nothing...

- Shh! Connolly's still sleeping! - It's almost time to open the shop though. Is it really wise not to wake her?

- Connolly, come play dominos with me! - Anton, I'm working... Oh, there's a customer!

Ordering coffee at this hour? Es-Espresso? Someone's gonna find it difficult to sleep tonight...

Spring Festival Voice

Happy New Year...

Obtain an Aurorian

Uh, I seem to be lost! No, it's not like that. I'm Connolly. This is Anton and its... relatives... I assume?

Receiving a gift

... You... you shouldn't have...

Wow! Are all these gifts for Connolly?

Receiving a preferred gift

Really!? Can I really have this!?

Here... here's your c-coffee. To return your favor.

Release Active Skill

Gadzooks! I'm so sorry!

Anton, pay attention to your strength!


Blow? Now?!

Aurorian Trivia I

Its name is Anton. Its name is also Anton... I was also confused at first, but if you listen carefully, you'll notice that they sound slightly different.

Aurorian Trivia II

My parents. I wish I could see them again and tell them I can properly talk to Anton now. This clarinet that I've received as a gift has also been preserved carefully...

Aurorian Trivia III

Grandma. I wish grandma could be here as well... Huh? That person? I can do without him. I-I can't look him in the eye! And it's not because I'm a wuss. Anton can't either! None of us can!

The Captain's Entrance

Let me reluctantly lead all of you!