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Her Experiences

Ms. Gabriel arrived today, and with the help of many porters, she finally managed to enter her room... and then she hung herself up... Sorry, I didn't mean it weirdly. The thing is, she really did hang the birdcage she sits in on the ceiling of the room along with herself inside it. Everyone's first impression of her was a beautiful canary with her own birdcage.
We observed her for one whole day because we were just too curious; however, Ms. Gabriel didn't speak or move at all. She was almost completely still inside the cage. Now, we burst into cheers whenever we see her raise her hand. Our impression of her has changed to a light-gold-colored potted plant.
After that, we arranged for Ms. Gabriel to join a visit. She clearly expressed her love for the Sol Reactor and how much she wanted to become more familiar with the overall environment inside the Colossus. I already have a list of porter in mind... What I mean is that I have a list of personnel who will lead the tour. I hope they can accompany Ms. Gabriel when she visits around.

Her Story (I)

I am a knight of Lumopolis and the Forest Angel of the Four Angels. I don't mind talking to you about my work. The weather is great today, which makes it perfect for some outdoor activities.
I am usually in charge of some complicated and trivial matters. To put it simply, I have to take on extra responsibility and work. After all, there are children down there, and we need someone reliable like me to help everyone out.
Everything is going well though since I've already learned how to deal with everything after doing it for so many years. I just need to make sure nothing serious happens to stay in control of my workplace... To put it simply, I need to simplify the management process. Besides, everyone has the initiative, and are very capable workers, plus I have a reliable boss, so I don't really need to do anything special. All I need to do is watch over everyone and maintain order when it's necessary.
I've only spoken about very basic things, so you didn't hear anything you shouldn't.

Her Story (II)

After the war, I took Duke Schwartz's proposal and became the leader of the Four Angels. As the captain of the Guardians of Lumopolis Gardens, I was responsible for a lot of follow-ups, coordinating with the coalition forces, and maintaining public order in Lumopolis back then. I also needed to look closely to eradicate Eclipsites and immoral dregs who had caused riots. Now that I think about it, I was unbelievably busy during that time, and I probably wouldn't have been able to recover if I didn't have such a strong foundation.
My direct subordinate, Yeanu, who joined the Guardians later, is like a plant that has withered at a young age, a wastepaper basket with a hole in the bottom, or a little donkey that has never stopped working since it was born—he didn't have a single trace of vitality. Look at him now and you might gain some insight into how busy I was with work at that time...
However, things have changed for the better after Ms. Carleen joined the Guardians of Lumopolis Gardens. I must say that it is great to have a reliable boss. If you have any work requests related to public security, just go directly to Ms. Carleen instead of me.

Her Story (III)

All a plant needs are sunshine, rain, and fresh air, so you don't need to worry about my nourishment. I have specially explained this before I came.
I excel at controlling plants and light. The plants and petals entwined in this cage are powerful weapons that attack following my orders, and all I need to do is to control and manipulate them. I don't need to make them more powerful as they already grew powerful enough before I realized it. Are you also curious about this cage? It has accompanied me for a long time—far longer than I can remember... I don't mind if people call it a birdcage, but it's more like a guardian than a form of restraint. I stay inside it voluntarily, and accept the nature it has granted me, making me more peaceful and calm, which is very important as it helps me prevent things from happening again, things that I don't want to happen, and stops me from remembering certain feelings that I don't want to remember... Please don't think that I'm trying to be difficult, cryptic, or obscure. I am doing my best to tell you everything about me and my feelings.

Her Story (IV)

How long have we spent time together in peace? If it is dusk right now, I might even show you my roots...
I have experienced war, but those experiences are ripples of the past that have disappeared and should not be remembered... On the day I awakened, this cage was still broken; in the ruins where everything was buried, I saw the color of the sky once more... However, I can't remember what happened... Countless Eclipsites were lured over to me when I tried to move my branches and leaves. It might actually have been better if I had died in that place.
For some reason, luck is always on my side. An unknown Aurorian protected me and helped me repair my cage, which is something even I can't manage. I knew beyond doubt that he is an expert with profound knowledge.
When I met that expert, I realized that he was old and frail, and his time was running out. He suggested that I go to Lumopolis, but he chose to rest there forever. I saw the wounds on his body and buried him with my own hands, sending him off in the dusk with my branches and flowers... It's a shame that I didn't get to know more about him...