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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Solid Detonator who shreds enemy DEF.




+Team-wide defense shredding is one of the strongest buffs in the game

+Insane AoE on active

+Diagonal attacks

+Chain combo type combined with Active provides decent mobbing despite Detonator status


-DEF shred requires reliable access to diagonals and the captain position to maximize them

-Weak damage on Active beyond point blank

-Chain combo is suboptimal for bossing compared to traditional 2 cluster detonation chain

-Low utility outside of DPS


Sinsa was long considered to be the best Fire DPS. In fact, his powerful team-wide DEF Shred (which is basically a team-wide flat ATK buff) qualified him as one of the original three SS tier detonators. (Him, Michael, and BT3 Hiiro) Unfortunately, no kingdom is forever: the element around him has begun to catch up with the rest, and newer units like Hati and Lilica with a dedicated team are not only stronger than him but also fairly unreliant on his DEF shred due to their unique damage formulas.

Still, he’s one of the best BT0 units in the game, and his generic teamwide buff makes him one of the easiest units to play and build around. You’d be remiss to skip over him just because he’s fallen out of the very highest tiers of meta usage; he’s still head and shoulders above the rest.