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His Experiences

Mr. Sinsa is such an amazing character! No, no, no, I don't mean he is amazing in the literal sense. To be more precise, he's someone you can't afford to offend... He's indeed strong, and he has a good personality. He's easy-going and loyal, but he always wants to remove something from the Colossus and bring it back to Rediesel Wrench, which always makes me and %s shiver. If it isn't for Miss Eve who dissuades him from the side, he might remove something...
Other than that, he often slaps the small body of %s and laughs as he asks when %s will join Rediesel Wrench. He makes it sound like the Colossus will belong to him after that... I can only watch sympathetically whenever %s is slapped to the point of coughing. Then I would pray silently he can deal with Mr. Sinsa can smoothly this time...

His Story (I)

Hey kid, so have you decided to join Rediesel Wrench yet? What? You still haven't made up your mind! Geez, you're too slow... Surely you don't think that I just want to dismantle your Colossus, right? Although that's indeed one of the reasons, more importantly, I'm attracted to you!
Why are you looking at me so weirdly? I don't have that kind of weird fetish! I just think you're a kid with great potential. Your ability and character are quite similar to my lot of freaks, hahaha! I'm not saying you're weird. You really don't understand when someone is complimenting you... You should know that it's not so easy to join my Rediesel Wrench! Although we settle things with our fists, we also persuade others with reason! Eh? This phrase sounds good. Maybe I can use it in a poem...
Anyway, think about it. There're a lot of benefits for you!

His Story (II)

The Illumina? That place is filled with lunatics like that woman. Of course, I'm not saying that all the people of Illumina are like that! It was because I was gullible enough to believe her claim that she would heal Eve that I sent Eve to the Illumina. In the end, not only did they not take care of Eve for me, but they even took her to an underground laboratory and gave her that ghastly appearance!
Regret? Of course, I regret it! This is the thing I regret the most in my entire life! I really wanted to chop that woman into a thousand pieces... Later, there was an explosion in the underground research laboratory. Luckily, Eve escaped. I went to Illumina to get justice for her. Can you guess what happened? As I expected, those guys all blamed one another to avoid taking any responsibility. No one was willing to admit that it was their problem! Illumina did me dirty no matter how I thought about it! Although they did help Eve and me this time, it doesn't mean that our past grievances have been wiped clean. Our score is far from settled!

His Story (III)

By the way, kid, what do you think of my crew? They're pretty good, right? What? You're not used to them... Well, I certainly didn't expect that. They all got along pretty well with Eve since the first time they met her. How peculiar... but you'll get used to them eventually, so don't sweat it! If you don't, then... I can't help you either!
You probably don't know this, but I have a bit of an ill-fated relationship with my crew! Many of them were unhappy when I was elected as the leader and yammered on about why a brat like me was elected to lead Rediesel Wrench! I even fought them over this... Of course, I won in the end! We were all exhausted after that, so we sat together and drank all night. I guess we just broke the ice like that, hahaha! They may look like a group of weirdos, but they get along terrifically with me! Since then, we became comrades who trust each other with our lives. All I have is Rediesel Wrench, and all Rediesel Wrench has is me...
So, kiddo, are you really not going to join us even after I've told you so much?

His Story (IV)

Kid, do you remember what I told you about Eve before? I'm really blessed now. I have comrades, family, and a future I look forward to. But do you know how Eve and I survived the past nine years...?
In those years, I watched her body get weaker and weaker, but there was nothing I could do. Even if I clenched my fist, all I could do was punch powerlessly at the sky. I watched her struggle and yell in pain every night. I... I couldn't do anything other than hug her tightly. I made a difficult decision back then—I sent her to an isolation chamber deep in the Rediesel Desert... I knew she might feel lonely or scared, but there was nothing I could do to help her recover. Only the isolation chamber there could barely keep her alive... Even if there was only a 0.1% chance of success, I would not let this opportunity slip by!
The past nine years were like a nightmare, and the bond between Eve and I was the only light that illuminated my nightmare. Fortunately, everything is over now. We have finally woken up from this long dream...