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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Janky Sniper with decent multi-tile scaling.



(S at R3)


+Refinements fix her issues with ammo management, making her a competent Sniper-Detonator hybrid

+High ceiling against multi-tile enemies due to powerful AoE in active state.

+One guy on Reddit spent a couple hundred dollars worth of Lum on her RRR banner


-Truly abysmal CD; doesn't have enough bullets to make up for it. Bad enough to hamstring a lot of her potential DPR.

-Refinements don't really fix her janky CD; you still have to make weird sacrifices to get the most out of her active

-Extremely expensive investment requirements for... good results. Borderline unplayable without R3. The ultimate mediocre whale unit.


Wrath has had a long journey. She started out as the undisputed second worst 6* in the game, and 3 buff cycles later, she’s… good? Sort of? The big thing is that her kit is built around an insanely high CD active that isn’t available on Turn 1, with baffling limitations to her ammo mechanic baked into her base kit.

With her newest set of buffs via Refinements, Wrath is in a funny position. R1 is effectively the same thing as BT3 (inasmuch as it makes her cooldowns… acceptable), with the caveat that it requires you to sync the rest of your team around it. R2 is a welcome improvement to her ammo gen… and R3 is basically a bandaid on her kit’s fundamental flaw. All said and done, these changes put her on par with her powerful Thunder brethren - matching them on 2x2, outdoing them on 3x3, and even competitive with Luke on 1x1.

That said, she’s still far from perfect. Her skill cooldown is janky as all get-out (even with R1) and requires you to sync the rest of your team’s cooldowns around it. She’s incredibly dependent on Refinements, which can take some time to grind out. Finally, she still falls behind the cream of the crop in content where enemy attacks can be face-tanked. It’s lore accurate that she’s ultimately just a worse, more expensive Reinhardt… but at least she’s somewhat meta now.