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Her Experiences

The imposing, bossy Officer Wrath from Illumina said she came here to find someone whom the Grand Marshal claimed to hold great potential... We have someone like that on the Colossus? Why did it sound like %s she's describing?
Seeing how measured Wrath was looking at %s, I could tell she had doubts. Can't blame her; even I feel that way sometimes, and I know what %s can do!
But stories are circulating in Illumina about Officer Wrath, too... No, no, not gossips! We don't tolerate those in Illumina, no siree! Anyway, just some cooler talk, and no one should question Officer Wrath's authority!

Her Story (I)

Reinhardt told me that you're the Navigator of this white Colossus. You're more impressive than you look. Maybe she's right about you having a lot of potentials.
Me? I'm the Illumina Royal Guard Captain. Although I'm not the highest leader, my position as the Royal Guard Captain is a testament to my strength, and I'm quite happy with this for now.
It goes without question that I joined the Illumina to kill Eclipsites, prove my strength, and become stronger. You probably know my deeper reasons if you've heard the rumors.
What? You haven't heard the rumors? It doesn't matter as we have a lot of time. Let's chat more next time. We can talk about your Colossus, or me and Reinhardt.

Her Story (II)

You seem really curious about why I could form the Guard in the Illumina.
It's a long story. Reinhardt and I used to sit at the same table at the military academy, and we were close friends. Wait, your expression tells me you're misunderstanding something. I didn't become the Royal Guard Captain because we were friends.
At that time, I... I lost to Reinhardt because I wasn't strong enough, and my pride told me I couldn't let her beat me! I challenged her for her position. She accepted my challenges and also gave me a lot of resources.
I actually didn't covet the position of the Grand Marshal of the Illumina. I was just haunted by the anxious feeling that I would never catch up to Reinhardt. That's why I can never relax and always look for reasons to challenge her. Certainly, the reason I could do that was that I had enough strength. None of the soldiers were my followers, but I was still able to command them well and earn their trust!
Naturally, I'll never compromise with anyone on anything that belongs to me. The position will be mine someday—it's just a matter of time.

Her Story (III)

I was seriously injured that year and was in a coma for a long time at the clinic. That's how I missed the final battle between the Coalition and the Eclipsites, which is the biggest regret in my life so far.
Everyone placed their hopes on me after I graduated because I was one of the most promising students at the academy. I didn't disappoint the people who believed in me as I made great achievements in several wars. If I hadn't missed out on several major battles because I was unconscious for those three years, I might even have been promoted faster...
After I regained consciousness, relying on my own strength and Reinhardt's assistance, I was quickly promoted to be the Guard Captain even though several other Legion Commanders questioned me and even suspected that I would betray the Illumina... What a joke! I've always been upright and have always let my strength do the talking. I would never resort to such underhanded tactics! Even if I were to betray the Illumina, I would do it frankly and straightforwardly!
You didn't see the faces of those who questioned me when I commanded the soldiers of the other Legions to attack the wandering Eclipsites. Their eyes were bulging from shock! I still feel proud when I recall those times.

Her Story (IV)

At that time, I had just graduated and had no war experience. Although I was young and rash, I still had some doubts about myself. Perhaps that was why I had some wild thoughts and hesitated when I was going to volunteer to fight when Undercity requested assistance... As a result, Reinhardt beat me to it and became a leader with great achievements.
I hated myself for hesitating. My natural pride wouldn't let me bow down to others. From then on, my biggest goal was to surpass Reinhardt. I trained harder and harder to become stronger. Until I was badly wounded one day... The last thing I saw before falling into a coma was Reinhardt swinging her sword in front of me. She saved me, and I am grateful to her for that, but I also hate her for it! My pride was completely shattered in front of her. Since then, I started to worry that I would never surpass her, and yet there was nothing I could do other than trying to become even stronger.
Pressure? Of course, I have pressure. I usually rely on meditation and fighting to release my stress... I'm sure you are under a lot of pressure since you control this Colossus. If you need any help, I can teach you my method.