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Her Experiences

When Smokey came to us, it was in a spectacle of flames and violence.
To be honest, I'm not sure when she came to the Colossus. As I was inspecting the corridors of the Colossus, I noticed a group of Fireflies escaping, and some of them were on fire!
Then I heard the sound of high heels stabbing the ground. Smokey was standing in the corridor, looking as though she was searching for more Fireflies to turn into fireballs. If I hadn't stopped her, she would have destroyed them all!
Wild... That was my first impression of her. I later learned that Smokey mistook the Fireflies for enemy attackers... but why did she break into the Colossus in the first place? When I asked her, Smokey gave a simple two-word answer: for fun.
She's a good person, despite being somewhat willful and unprincipled. Also, she later realized that her attack on the Fireflies caused everyone trouble, so she comes to help out occasionally. But remember to be careful when dealing with her.

Her Story (I)

%s, why are you always dressed like that? Haven't you ever been to Umbraton? It doesn't make sense at all. It seems that you have no fashion sense at all... Umbraton is at the forefront of fashion on the continent, you know. If we get the chance, I really should take you to look around.
Speaking of Umbraton, there are all kinds of people there, all doing their best to live. To be precise, they're all trying to live in the moment. I don't have many friends and I met them all in Umbraton, one of them was Tessa.
I was buying a lollipop when I met this cool girl... Don't get me wrong! I don't like candies. I just wanted the free ring that came with it, but she didn't even give me a chance to touch it! We ended up fighting on the street until Istvan showed up and broke it up. If he hadn't, the whole street would've ended up a pile of rubble.
After our little misunderstanding was resolved, I got to know Tessa. And later, she introduced me to some of her friends. They were all quite interesting. Anyway, most fights end in a close friendship.

Her Story (II)

Has anyone told you that I snore when I sleep? I don't want to disturb the peace on your Colossus, but of course, I'm not responsible for what happens when I fall asleep.
Because of my special condition, if I don't control myself, I might release fire at any given moment. Once I fall asleep, I pretty much always snore. Will I end up burning something? Who's to say? It's just like when I first came to Umbraton, the hotel I stayed in was fine the night I arrived, but when I woke up the next day, the walls were gone. Just as I was trying to explain, the manager started yelling at me like a madman.
I couldn't help but get a little mad, so I beat him up a bit. Then after he called his friends to come help him, I smashed up his friend's shop... and a bar, a cafe, a grocery store, a theater... When I was done smashing, someone told me that this was Istvan's territory. But Istvan was nice to me. After listening to my explanation, he didn't even ask me to pay for the damages! I later learned that he was the boss of Umbraton, and a true hero admired by all. Of course, there's no way I should take advantage of his generosity, so I helped him occasionally and did some small jobs on the side. That's how I ended up staying in Umbraton.

Her Story (III)

This brooch may look a little bit scary, but it's actually an heirloom of the Manticore family and is said to be made from the skull of a manticore. The Manticore family is from Petyaburg. They're kind of like the rulers back there.
Why do I have this? Because I'm part of the family, of course. I grew up listening to the stories of the family elders, who told the tale of a Manticore ancestor who fought against an actual manticore, surviving its fiery breath and killing it. This hero then changed his surname and made this heirloom with the monster's skull. I must've heard this story a thousand times each year... It was beyond annoying. They would also go on about how I was gifted with Lumina all the time and force me to practice this and that every day, which made me want to leave Petyaburg ever since I was a kid. So, after we got rid of those Eclipsites and made sure the Manticores were all okay, I took the brooch and left Petyaburg.
Don't get me wrong! I didn't steal this family heirloom. Instead, they gave it to me! After all, I was the great pyromancer they'd been training all those years.

Her Story (IV)

Since you have strong psychic abilities, do you know what my real talents are? A lot of people say I'm some kind of genius with fire, but that's only part of the answer. I think my real talent lies in numbing my pain.
When I was very young, I couldn't control the fiery power within me and often caused fires. My family soon found out about my gift and forced me into all kinds of training. However, I noticed that as the amount of training they piled on me increased, and the more intense it got, the less I was able to feel actual pain. It's like when you repeatedly hit the ground with your fist, it hurts at first but not so much after a while.
This dulling of the senses started affecting other aspects of my life. Eventually, I felt like nothing in this world interested me anymore, so all I could do was wander around, looking for something to stimulate my mind. That's why everyone said I was wild and rebellious. If I were to live my life the way everyone else wanted me to live it, I might become a living dead.
In my quest for excitement, I turned Petyaburg upside down. Many people just shook their heads when they saw me, and I even crashed the Lumopolis talent assessment! When Eclipsites attacked Petyaburg, I fought in the battle just for some fun, but then my family thought I was doing it to protect my home and gave me this manticore brooch. In the end, Petyaburg was way too small to satisfy me. All the people there thought in the same boring way... I left and came to Umbraton. This is the only place I could ever live. I mean, where else can you find new and exciting things happening every day?