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Her Experiences

There was a while, %s was constantly receiving reports of a foreign object located on the top of the Colossus, so I was asked to find out what it was. As soon as I received the most recent report, I rushed to the top of the Colossus with %s.
Under the orange hue of the setting sun, a huge white knight sat upon the head of the Colossus. After taking a closer look, I saw a girl sitting in the knight's palm. The girl looked up at the sky, her long hair flowing gently in the wind. It was none other than Hedy, the quiet girl who never seemed to smile! Hedy noticed us standing there and asked us if we had also come to see the sky and clouds...
After talking with her for a while, we discovered that the suit of armor, Pompey, couldn't enter the Colossus. That's why they decided to remain outside. Hedy is afraid that Pompey might get lonely, so she often goes out to gaze at the sky with Pompey. It turns out that this noble girl who loves nothing more than burying her nose in a book has such a sweet side. Hmm... I think I'll go out and look out at the sky more often in the future.

Her Story (I)

White Night up high.
You want to know my story? Not that I don't want to tell you. It's just that it's not nearly as wonderful as the classics and is therefore not worth recounting. But is that alright with you? If you insist, then so be it.
As you may already know, I was born into a happy and healthy noble family in Lumopolis. Unlike other nobles, my parents were good at running the family business and were unwilling to involve themselves too much in political affairs. Thanks to this, as far as I know, we never had financial issues. Since I was born, my parents invited the best teachers in Lumopolis to mentor me.
Was I happy? Yes, I was happy. Everyone fussed over me to make sure I was delighted. No one tried to hurt me, and no one wanted to use me... but no one was indeed my friend.

Her Story (II)

When I was little, I often dreamt, and I always had the same dream over and over again.
In this dream, there was a pack of strange animals. Some covered with dark gray hair, some covered with sharp spikes... They would bare their teeth and claws and roar at me, then attack me and chase me. I was scared, but I didn't expect my parents to be even more scared than I when I finally told them about this dream. Looking back, I don't blame them. After all, at that time, I had never seen an Eclipsite before, but I could accurately describe what they looked like. Later, my parents took me to the temple to pray for salvation from this nightmare. Although it had little effect, I also found my own solution—reading. Books whisked me away, over mountains, rivers, lakes, and seas, and showed me the myriad wonders of the world. Only through reading was I spared the sight of those terrible monsters in my dreams, the fear they brought... and my loneliness.

Her Story (III)

Thinking about it now, what happened later was all because of a lost ancient book—The Epic of the Aurora. One day, I collected the fragmented pages of this ancient book, which told the tale of a white knight, but even after tireless research, I still couldn't verify their authenticity.
That night, I dreamt of those monsters again. Just as they were about to catch me, a knight in white armor descended from the sky and obliterated the Eclipsites with his huge sword... then, the dream came to an abrupt end. Since then, I have never had that dream again. My curiosity compelled me to read books about all kinds of weapons and armor, but I couldn't find any mention of that white armor and the giant sword.
When my father saw me reading such books, he told me about a brave knight of the Bryte family and that his armor was kept in the basement of our warehouse. Why had my father never mentioned this before? With this in mind, %s, I pushed open the door to the basement that very night.

Her Story (IV)

I was struck dumb with surprise when I entered the basement.
A huge suit of armor lay on the ground, covered in a heavy layer of dust. Father said that this Bryte family knight died protecting the people... Lumopolis named him the Knight of Light and crafted this huge suit of armor for him. Yes, as you've probably guessed, this suit of armor was exactly the same as the one that saved me in my dream. I brushed the dust off the armor, read the name Pompey engraved on the chest, and injected a steady flow of Lumina into it... And just like that, Pompey, the Knight of Light, arose once again and has never left my side since. It's just like... like you and Soroz.
After this, the temple wanted me to work for them, but this required that I graduate from Dawn Academy first. It took me two years to finish all of the courses at Dawn Academy. Are two years really that fast? I couldn't help it. I had already read everything they tried to teach me, but I was glad to begin working at the temple, nonetheless. The many teachers there put me on the right path, and there were plenty more classics there for me to read...
And that's all for my story. It's a little dull, isn't it? Hmm? You don't think so? Well... you should tell me your story sometime.