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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Mediocre Detonator with a stun.




+Active ability is can stun lock enemies in rare situations

+Passable stats and Chain Combo


-Stunlocking enemies is not as good as it sounds

-There are like, at least twenty other detonators in Fire that provide far greater utility and damage.


Cordy is an underwhelming Detonator with an interesting, if equally underwhelming gimmick. Theoretically, you should be able to permanently stun target mobs with her due to her low Active CD, but the edge case in which that is worth more than running a better detonator on one of the few difficult stages where a boss doesn't have stun immunity is as infrequent as it sounds. Of course, Cordy mainly exists as fanservice to a bizarrely niche subcommunity, so the people who are using her know exactly what they're in for, and I'm sure they're happy.