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Her Experiences

Eyes like sapphire and cute, chubby cheeks... Could this girl, who doesn't look a day over seven or eight years old, be a dragon? The child's name seems to be Kanna. Frankly, the horns on her head got me thinking that if Sharona ever had a daughter, she would look just as adorable.
The young girl seems to be quite shy and speak in a baby voice... Wait, that's a Firefly! You can't eat it! Help me out here, Tohru!
Phew, thank goodness the Firefly escaped. But I must say I'm rather jealous of how innocent and candid she is. Perhaps her life is completely free of fighting and wars.

Her Story (I)

I don't remember the day. Or month, or year.
Tried some new stuff today.
Fireflies... Hard. Tasteless. Gross.
Vice's cooking. Bad.
Rabbits are cute. Rabbie is cute, too.
Chainsaw Rick... Not cute.
Kuma is like papa. Tall and fluffy.
Pengy is loud, but nice.
Maggie has a tail, but not a dragon. She looks tasty... But I'm not allowed to eat her.
Keating taught me lots of phrases, like "baldy Navigator." Still don't know what it means.
Tomorrow, will try more things, and play with everyone again.
Good night.

Her Story (II)

Found some rocks on the Colossus today. Red ones, clear and sparkly. Found some weird thorns, too.
Beryl? Areia? I don't know them. I gave the stones to Carleen for making tea for me before. It was delicious.
Here, you can have the thorns.
Knights... Carleen thinks our colors match and talked about some story of a dragon and a knight. It sounded interesting.
Didn't Saikawa promise to become a knight and protect me, too? Could they mean the same kind of knight?
I'm tired. Need more sleep.
Good night, Kobayashi. And Tohru. And Saikawa.

Her Story (III)

I went with Ms. Blanc to see Lumopolis today. It was very pretty.
We also ran into the Four Angels... They were different from what I expected, but they were all good people.
Raphael played with me for a long time and even took me to a bakery.
To repay her, I let her rub my tummy for one minute.
I ran into Carleen next. She was in a good mood, and invited me to join her and her father for afternoon tea.
The tea was good, but Carleen's father is kind of scary.
In the end, I ate too much and fell asleep... Lucoa carried me back to bed.
Good night, Kobayashi, Tohru, Saikawa, and everyone else here.

Her Story (IV)

Barton invited me to play a war game today. It was lots of fun.
Didn't lose a single game once I understood the rules. Barton didn't seem too happy about that.
He kept saying, "How could a child this young possibly..."
I saw a group of Eclipsites chasing after some Aurorians on my walk today. They look gross.
I chased the Eclipsites away. The Aurorians gave me lots of tasty things to eat.
Today was peaceful, too. Another uneventful day in this world.
Lots of fun things to do in this world.
And all sorts of tasty things to try, too.
And everyone here... is so warm and kind.
I like this place.