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Her Experiences

*Sss* *Sss* So that's the sound a Firefly makes when it has a dart stuck in it... Ah, sorry, that wasn't me. It's all Amemori... Luckily there are other Fireflies to fix them, and the occasional scratch is a type of fun to them... An experience, perhaps?
At that time, I'd learned that there was an intruder. I quickly went to search the Corridor and saw a cloud of smoke. I was about to pull out my bow when I heard a detached voice next to me that made me break out in cold sweat.
"I'm Amemori. May I ask where the Caelestite is?"
When I saw the hand she had put on the bow, I finally knew that she hadn't come to pick a fight... I later found out that she had come specifically to look for you.

Her Story (I)

Other than Koufu-jou and Sakai, Cloud Island has many villages that supply Koufu-jou samurais with food, clothing, and even labor. In times of peace, everything was safe, but in times of strife, the common people were uprooted and only lived from one day to the next.
I was born in such a time, in the midst of war, as a peasant girl from an unnamed village. From as far back as I can recall, the village was often harassed by wayward soldiers or thieves, and we learned to hide. There were holes in the ground to hide people, cellars to hide food, and caves to hide dried meat... At that time, learning martial arts was the last thing on my mind. My mind was filled with thoughts about the year's harvest, what I'd eat the next day, the farming work for the day, and so on. I thought I would live like that forever, but the main island destroyed it all.

Her Story (II)

Before I was born, the general of the main island led his troops in an invasion of Cloud Island. This, of course, led to the locals revolting. My parents were part of the faction that sympathized with the rebels. To be more precise—our village was an ally of the rebels. We often hid the rebels being chased by the main island troops, and this led to our doom.
It was a late afternoon on a day during the off-season on the farm. I was playing in the fields, enjoying my hard-earned relaxation, when I saw a samurai run into the fields with panic on his face, probably running from someone. I was sure he was a rebel, so I took him to my home. My parents received him warmly, and let him stay the night so he wouldn't be hunted down by the main island troops.
That night, I was overcome by a sense of unease and couldn't sleep. I had just gotten up to wash my hands when I saw that rebel sneaking out of the village. I tailed him, but lost his trail and had no choice but to give up and return to my village, only to find it in flames. That rebel was leading the main island troops around, looking for survivors... I... I saw my parents in a pool of blood... It was me. It was my fault. I brought destruction upon my village.

Her Story (III)

Destruction... I saw my village drowning in fire, saw my parents dead in a pool of blood, and I thought I would just die with them and be done with it. I stood there in a daze, and the main island soldiers seemed to read my mind. Just as they walked over to me to finish me off, a cold glint flashed in front of me. A voice came from behind, telling me that I couldn't stay here, and that I should find refuge in other villages.
Refuge? I was homeless. Where could I go? All around me was the crackling of the flames as they consumed the village, and the sounds of fighting, of people tearing at each other. I looked at my eyes in her sword's reflection. There were no tears, only the red of the fire all around me. It was then that I knew my only hope was to follow her.
"I want to join you."
My wish was not fulfilled at the time, but after, when I had worked very hard, I became her pupil and joined her team, becoming a rebel.

Her Story (IV)

After joining the rebels, I quickly learned that the one who rescued me was the leader, Nagi, the Sword of the Underworld. She later became my master, and I got to know many of the warriors who fought together against the main island army.
After my Master's failed assassination of the general, she was imprisoned. I witnessed the main island slowly take control of Cloud Island while the rebel activities stopped.
In the years that followed, I became a loner, doing things in secret to resist the main island's rule and to inquire about my master's whereabouts. Gradually, I discovered that many of the residents of Cloud Island did not dare to say a single negative word in public, but complained in private. Some even quietly did the same thing as I did. I gradually realized that the rebels had not disappeared, but had simply gone underground, into the shadows where the main island could not see them.
So I contacted those who dared only to walk in the shadows, and when they found out that I was her pupil, they immediately elected me to be the leader, and determined to take back our home.