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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Mobbing-focused Sniper that scales well against multi-tile enemies.




+Flexible active with multi-tile scaling

+All-out-Attack special skill hits the whole map

+The best unit for applying WEAK status

+Strong chain for mobbing

+Unreliant on BTs


-Very poor turn one output

-Less overall DPR than other options in fire that have additional utility


Joker is in a weird spot. On one hand, he’s far better than he looks at a glance because of how powerful his two Active nukes are; on the other, he’s got an abysmal chain combo and a lower overall DPR than any true S-tier detonator. Still, there’s a lot of potential here, given how strong 1CD abilities have traditionally been, as well as how powerful active damage can be in the right scenarios. It’s unlikely he does anything groundbreaking to the Fire meta, but it’s also hard to write him off as anything less than solid. Keep an eye on this, though. If Fire gets more 1CD synergies, he could definitely see more dedicated use.