Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
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His Experiences

Mmm... So this is the leader of the Phantom Thieves...
He looks like a taciturn fella, but I wouldn't say
he's indifferent. From those eyes behind that mask,
I can sense strong will and tenderness.
Besides, I heard this thief leader commands
deep respect and trust among his mates.
He and his team can certainly be
counted on in future battles.

His Story (I)

A young man known by the name Joker.
He rarely speaks but compared to his teammates,
he has a much stronger presence.

His Story (II)

The leader of the Phantom Thieves, he commands deep respect and trust among his mates.
He not only issues orders, but also participates in operations himself.
This is probably why the other Thieves trust him so much.

His Story (III)

There also seems to be a drink called "coffee" in his world.
And he apparently lives in a "cafe" that sells coffee.

His Story (IV)

Joker and his gang spontaneously end up in this world.
Yet they seem to have things they need to do in their world.