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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Low-CD Converter that has a high ceiling when utilizing push and pull mechanics.



(S+ (N))


+N: Incredibly high conversion ceiling in mobbing and certain bossing content

+Decent baseline conversion that enables him to generate a bunch of tiles quickly

+Push utility that can move otherwise unmovable non-boss enemies


-– Mediocre turn 1 performance if the enemies can’t be moved
– Dependent on other push/pull units to maximize his potential
– BT3 can be a substantial upgrade in certain situations


Zhong Xu is a weird unit to discuss. In many scenarios, he’s amazing. In others, he’s underwhelming. The latter situations are almost always due to content where his push mechanics don’t work due to CC-immune bosses. The former, though, include most mobbing stages and boss content where push mechanics do work. Plus, because his flame doesn’t disappear when you walk over it, he can effectively convert 3 red tiles every other turn after turn 1, making him a highly effective Converter.