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Her Experiences

When I think back to that night, I still feel a little embarrassed. It was midnight, and I went to the cafe to get some water. I unexpectedly found a giant fish on the counter, still flopping around. "This is no good," I thought. I wasn't about to let a free grilled fish steak get away. I pounced on the fish... only to find out that it wasn't a fish, but a person with a fish tail! "Captain Yuebai! Sorry!" "Children who stay up late instead of sleeping will be taken away by weasels." "Weasels?" "Weasels have long tails and like to sneak into houses at night to snatch children who won't go to sleep. Huh? Vice, your tail..." "Ahhhhhh! I'm not a weasel! And don't let the weasels take me away either!" I ran off with my tail in my arms... Later, I learned that Captain Yuebai had been squatting on the ground to measure the Colossus. She felt that the Colossus was very similar in structure to a ship and wanted to study it, but as the cafe was always packed during the day, she had to go at night. Phew... I'll sleep earlier in the future. Eastern legends are so scary!

Her Story (I)

You want to know what that thing is hanging from behind me? It's a fishtail. When I was born, this serpentfish tail was just there. Most people feel a bit frightened when they see it. If you don't feel scared, I guess that means you're quite courageous. Serpentfish are a species that lives deep beneath the sea, and according to the legends, they're closely related to the dragons. In Longzhou, we worship dragon totems and naturally regard serpentfish as a symbol of good luck. Fishermen occasionally catch them and throw them back into the sea to receive the ocean's blessings. My family used to be low-level members of the Lin Guild, but because of my serpentfish tail, we were propelled to an elite status in the guild, and I was seen as a miracle child of the Lin family—a once-in-a-century talent, which also made me rather popular with the other kids. What's that look on your face for? Did I say something wrong?

Her Story (II)

Don't touch it! My bone dagger is very sharp—you'll cut yourself. This Ancestral Bone Dagger was given to me by an elder of the Lin family and is, of course, very valuable. They gave it to me because I'm so naturally gifted. The elder came in person to gift me this dagger just after I was born. At that time, hundreds of people from the Lin family gathered at my home to see my serpentfish tail. Even the Lin Guildmaster was there. When the elder took out this dagger, everyone was amazed. As I grew older, the elder often took me to see the guild's ships and taught me to carve gadgets and ship parts out of wood. But the good times didn't last long. My father was a man who lived beyond his means, and soon he ended up owing money all over town. In order to pay off his debts, he also committed the cardinal sin of the business world—he sold fake goods. After he was found out, we were banished from the Lin Guild.

Her Story (III)

After we were banished, my mother's health took a sharp turn for the worse, and she passed away soon after. My father never recovered. What are you saying sorry for? You're not the one who caused my family's downfall. You're worried about me? I'm fine—I just ate two bowls of river snail noodles, don't worry. I was still young then and told myself that life would improve. However, even when we had nothing left to eat, my father didn't try to find work. Instead, he took my Ancestral Bone Dagger to the pawnshop. From then on, I knew that I could only rely on myself. Sailing, waitressing... I have worked the lowliest of jobs. I told myself in my heart, "I will earn back all the things I have lost, one by one." But when I had finally saved up enough money to buy back my dagger, I realized that my father had stolen my money.

Her Story (IV)

When I stood at the pawnshop door and saw only a piece of paper in my purse with, "I'll get back on my feet one day" written on it, I was stupefied. I sat staring into space until dark, intending to continue earning money to save up for my dagger. Just then, the Lin elder walked out of the pawnshop and handed me my Ancestral Bone Dagger. He had secretly been watching me for a long time. The elder intended to take me in, but to avoid causing a scandal, I could no longer use the Lin name. From that day on, I have been known as Mu Yuebai. After this, I worked my way up from the bottom of the Lin family and gradually became the captain of a shipping vessel, transporting cargo to and from Cloud Island. My horizons had been broadened, and my ambition was growing every day. I improved the ships off my own back and raised money to build the luxurious and advanced Shadowind. In the future, I also plan to build the most powerful long-distance ships, open up the safest long-distance routes, and explore places no one has ever ventured.